很不巧今天听了一堂公开课,讲产品经理的。我很认同讲师对PM的描述和解读,也深知PM的不容易和压力。干了十几年的技术 VS 干了五六年的产品,我自己也深知一个优秀的PM不比一个牛逼的架构师差到哪去,反而道路会更加曲折。
The first stage of account-based marketing is to identify accounts to target. Selecting accounts should be done collaboratively with marketing and sales. Predictive technology can augment a team’s ability to choose the best accounts prioritizing based on fit with current customer base or predicting intent. After selecting a list of accounts, data tools allow you to fill your CRM with contacts and other important data to begin engaging accounts.
Expanding reach within accounts is a key step that provides a significant advantage over lead-based marketing. Tools in the Expand category provide deeper access and coverage within an account in a variety of ways - enriching contact data, providing an account-based structure to leads / contacts, or allowing engagement campaigns to reach more stakeholders. Many tools that expand reach also are used to identify or engage accounts.
Marketers must engage individuals within accounts across the entire buyer's journey. In each sub-category, consider the tools used to execute your account-based marketing strategy and exclude those that are exclusively used for other marketing strategies. Modern ABM tools allow practitioners to engage the right personas at more accounts with personalized and targeted messaging and content.
The relationship with an account doesn’t end after signing the deal. Account-based marketing is the best way to drive adoption, upsell and cross-sell, and referral. For the customer journey, the ABM stack is focused on marketing tools to create new revenue and expand revenue in existing accounts. The tools in this section allow customers to become your best advocates both within their company and across the market.
Insight into the effectiveness of your account-based marketing efforts is critical. These tool help with measuring and reporting ROI, spend, attribution, and impact on revenue. Account-based marketing metrics shoulds alway tie back to revenue and pipeline measures including size, progress rates, and time to close. These tools provide insight and results from an account-based perspective to see what efforts moved the needle by account.
最后附一篇很好的ABM的文章 关于ABM需要知道的五件事,祝晚安!