我选的绘本是《Seven Blind Mice》
One day seven blind mice were surprised to find a strange Something by their pond.
“What is it?” they cried, and they all ran home.
On Monday, Red Mouse went first to find out.
“It’s a pillar,” he said.
No one believed him.
On Tuesday, Green Mouse set out. He was second to go.
“It’s a snake,” he said.
“No,” said Yellow Mouse on Wednesday.
“It’s a spear.” He was the third in turn.
The fourth was Purple Mouse. He went on Thursday.
“It's a great cliff," he said.
Orange Mouse went on Friday, the fifth to go.
”It's a fan!" he cried. "I felt it move."
The sixth to go was Blue Mouse.
He went on Saturday and said, "It's nothing but a rope."
But the others didn't agree.
They began to argue.
"A snake!" "A rope!" "A fan!" "A cliff!"
Until on Sunday, White Mouse, the seventh mouse, went to the pond.
When she came upon the Something, she ran up one side, and she ran down the other. She ran across the top and from end to end.
“Ah," said White Mouse. "Now, I see. The Something is as sturdy as a pillar, supple as a snake,wide as a cliff, sharp as a spear,breezy as a fan,stringy as a rope,but altogether the Something is ...an elephant!"
And when the other mice ran up one side and down the other, across the Something from end to end, they agreed.
Now they saw, too.
The Mouse Moral:
Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole.
这个绘本故事,首先非常有趣,七只瞎老鼠在池塘边发现一个奇怪的东西,从周一到周日,它们轮流去“摸”了一下,得出的结论有柱子、蛇 、悬崖、矛 、扇子等,它们彼此都觉得自己是对的,直到最后一只老鼠摸遍了所有,说是一只大象,大家才恍然大悟。
在这本绘本里有也有很多之前学过的内容,比如颜色red,yellow,星期Monday,sunday等,这部分可以拿出来复习,比如唱唱歌就很轻松愉快,我们唱了《I See Colors Everywhere》,《Days Of The Week Song》。
然后绘本里关于每只小老鼠摸到的大象的部分,我们可以做一起做个游戏来加深印象。首先准备好类似的东西,柱子、蛇 、悬崖、矛 、扇子等,然后给孩子蒙上眼睛,让他摸,摸到一个就问,what‘s this?孩子回答,It’s a pillar等等,之后家长和孩子还可以交换询问。
It‘s an elephant.
It‘s an elephant.
Is it a pillar?
Is it a snake?
Is it a cliff?
Is it a spear?
Is it a fan?
Is it a rope?
What is it?
What is it?
It is an elephant.
Elephant, elephant, elephant.