1. 不要三心二意好,活在当下,进入那个情景中去;
2. 不要好为人师,目空一切地谈论,真正的倾听需要把自己放在一边
3. 请用开放式问题
4. 顺其自然
5. 如果你不知道,就说你不知道,谨言慎行
6. 不要把自己的经历和他人比较
7. 尽量不要说重复的话
8. 少说废话
9. 倾听
10. 简明扼要
The speaker shares ten ways how to talk.If you can master one way, then you may know how to talk.
①Don’t multitask. Be present. Be inthat moment. Don’t be half in it and half out it.
②Don’tpontificate/pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/.Youneed to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn. “True listening requires a setting aside of oneself” Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t. Everybodyis an expert in something.
③Use an open-ended question. Duringtalking, we can use” What was it like? How does that feel” to substitute” Is itinteresting?”
④Go with the flow
⑤If you don’t know, say you don’t know.Err /ɜː(r)/ on the side of caution.
⑥Don’tequate yourexperience with others. Don’t say how amazing you are or how much you suffer.Conversations are not promotional opportunity.
⑦Try not to repeat yourself.
⑧Stay out of theweeds
⑨Listening is the most important
⑩Be brief.The speaker says that she keep mouth shut as often as I possibly can
but she keeps her mind open.She is always prepared to be amazed and she isnever disappointed.
Go out. Talk to people. Listen topeople and be ready to be amazed.
1. 今天用了昨天听力学到的logic& creative用到工作上,效率提高很多,明天继续用这个方法试试;
2. 早上去面试了,空腹去面试,做完一套试题后太饿了,说话都快没力气了;总体面试官挺满意。就是今天监督这个单词忘记用“supervise“
3. 晚上做了30个仰卧起坐,练习腹部呼吸。按照前面听力有学到的多巴胺有记忆性,我想多加一项好的习惯,即habit stacking
4. 最近天气真的是太热了,早上面试完骑车在路上感觉要着火了。