Add Additional Meta Data
您的关卡的元数据存储在' LevelMetaData '类中。它允许你使用' MetaData '属性来存储键值对的字符串。为了添加元数据,您的应用程序必须注册LE_EventInterface.OnCollectMetaDataBeforeSave事件。
using LE_LevelEditor.Events;
// Register for the meta data collection event, which is called when the level is saved
LE_EventInterface.OnCollectMetaDataBeforeSave += OnCollectMetaDataBeforeSave;
private void OnCollectMetaDataBeforeSave(object p_sender, LE_CollectMetaDataEvent p_args)
// Try to get the terrain size. Use fallback values if there is no terrain.
int width = 0;
int length = 0;
if (Terrain.activeTerrain != null && Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData != null)
width = (int)Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData.size.x;
length = (int)Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData.size.z;
// Add collected terrain size values to level meta data
p_args.LevelMetaData.Add("TerrainWidth", width.ToString());
p_args.LevelMetaData.Add("TerrainLength", length.ToString());
// Add a value for the gold medal score to level meta data
p_args.LevelMetaData.Add("GoldScore", 123456);
using LE_LevelEditor.Core;
// You will probably load your level's meta data from a file here
byte[] metaDataAsByteArray = ...;
// Generate a LevelMetaData instance from a byte array. Passing false as last parameter will
// disable level icon loading. You should do it if you do not need the level icon, because
// this will drastically reduce the loading time of the meta data. Pass true if you need the level icon
LE_SaveLoad.LevelMetaData metaData = LE_SaveLoad.LoadLevelMetaFromByteArray(metaDataAsByteArray, false);
// Get the values that you have stored in Step 2.
int width = 0;
if (metaData.MetaData.ContainsKey("TerrainWidth"))
width = int.Parse(metaData.MetaData["TerrainWidth"]);
int length = 0;
if (metaData.MetaData.ContainsKey("TerrainLength"))
length = int.Parse(metaData.MetaData["TerrainLength"]);
int goldScore = 0;
if (metaData.MetaData.ContainsKey("GoldScore"))
goldScore = int.Parse(metaData.MetaData["GoldScore"]);
// Do something with your values