第六课Percy Buttons说到了beggar,那么英美国家有什么慈善机构吗?听听Alison老师是怎么说的吧。
(Alison老师音频不能上传请点击原文:http://www.hujiang.com/c/xgn/p1071126/ )
In Lesson 6,Percy Buttons, the writer talked about a visit from a man named Percy Buttons. Percy Buttons was a beggar who wanted food, which means he was probablyflat broke. He was asking for ahand-out, or adonationof food.
A nice word for people like Percy is “thoseless-fortunate”, which means people who need help in meeting their basic needs. There are manycharitiesin countries like the UK and the USA, which raise money by collecting donations, and then use that money to help people with needs.
One example is asoup kitchen. A soup kitchen is a program where free meals are served to anyone who wants one. A soup kitchen does not just serve soup; it serves a balanced meal of meat, bread, fruit and vegetables, and the food is donated from people in the community. The food is prepared and served byvolunteers, or people who do not want to be paid for their work.
(soup kitchen- 不是仅仅提供汤的哦~)
“beggars can’t be choosers” – means that if you are asking someone to give you something, you don’t get to choose what they give you
“sing for your supper” – means that you have to work for your pay or something that you want; you will not get it for free
“flat broke” – means that you have no money – not even a little bit
the less-fortunate 不幸的人(对穷人委婉的说法)fortunatea. 幸运的
soup kitchen n. (救济贫民, 灾民的)施舍处, 流动厨房
1. Have you ever had tosing for your supper? Describe a real or imagined experience.
2. Discuss how you can help those less fortunate in your community.