你肯定要问,为什么要跟进呢?这有什么必要?我是说,人与人初次见面以后再联系,这难道不是人之常情吗?就好像大家分别时都说“再见再见”,“再见”这个词不就是再联系的意思吗? 好吧,让我给你展示一些有意思的数字吧:我最欣赏的激励讲师/企业教练曾提过,他之前给数千个来自于不同行业销售人员的推销电话录过音,然后从中发现超过45%的人在第一通电话后就被拒绝了,而只有1%销售人员能在的第一通电话就结单,事实表明,超过80%的销售人员需要到第五通电话才能结单。能看出来问题了吗?现今很多企业都浪费了超多的销售机会和线索,因为他们没有强调员工们要跟进客户。
你看,其实读完这个文章后,某些人可以很容易从中找一个很垃圾的借口,举个例子,“等等Andy Z老师,像我这种在公司后勤部门工作的,应该和您这些针对业务部的建议完全不搭边吧?”啧, 错!大错特错,打个比方,如果你是在企业内部IT部门工作,然后你并没有及时跟进一个很稀少的高质量外包(你懂得,那种本身就不接很多项目而且还很屌的项目),你极可能会因此错过一个提出快速解决技术瓶颈的解决方案的机会,从而也错过了在老大们面前展示自己的机会。因此显而易见地,这个建议适用于任何部门的员工,有的时候举一反三也是一门学问哟。
The number one way companies can teach their employees to get things done
What is the number one way skill that companies can teach their employees to get things done? Master the follow up.
Why the follow up? I mean it’s common sense to actually get in touch with people after speaking with them the first time. Let me hit you with some numbers then! One of the my favorite motivational speakers/business coaches mentioned that among thousands of calls he recorded of salespeople from different industries, around 45% of people give up after the first follow up phone call, and only 1% of sales are closed on the first call, with over 80% happening over the fifth. Do we see the problem here? Companies today are wasting possible opportunities and leads by not ensuring their employees are following up.
Now imagine this, the business has done a huge amount of work (presumably) by building a nice product, a great marketing campaign meshed with innovative ideas and investing time and money. By not following up, this causes everything to go down the drain! The reason why many companies are frustrated that their products or services don’t sell isn’t because of inferior quality or market issues, it’s simply because sales just does not follow up!
If you don’t follow up, you do not end up satisfying your customer’s needs, meaning one of two things will end up happening. Either your customer is going to going to turn to your competitor to fulfil that need, or they realize that need wasn’t that immediate or important to begin with. Stay close to the money and follow up!
Look, it’s very easy to say oh I only work in the back office of my company, and all of AndyZ’s examples are sales related. For example, if you are in IT and you are not following up outstanding vendors that do not take on too many assignments, you are missing out on a golden opportunity to solve potential technical bottlenecks. This applies in all departments across any industries.
So how can companies make employees follow up? Well, they need to create a culture of following up, from an executive level that decision needs to be made to commit this follow up culture.
What are some key elements for companies to incorporate a follow up culture? First, it’s taking action. Yes this is the mother of all problems. Most people just tend to ignore getting back in touch with people as an important concept.
The next step to do this is balancing being creative with your follow-up so you don’t run the risk of elimination before the “game” has even begun, as well as putting a systematic approach in place, which means setting aside a certain amount of time every day to do this - after all follow-up is the number one to get things done properly, so if you don’t have a step by step methodology to do this, something is seriously wrong.
Finally, persistence and commitment needs to be there. Just because you follow-up once and the other person does not fully consent or may even initially outright reject you, does not mean all is lost. If you remember the stats I mentioned earlier, 80% of deals happen after the 5th call...FIVE times. When was the last time you even bothered following up with the same person five times just to get that person to say “Yes!”
There you go, the number one way of getting things done is followup and of course how to actually followup, and this is one of the most important topics that I train companies and individuals on, believe it or not.
- Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese and Third Culture Kid (TCK)
多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人, 典型第三文化人士(TCK)
- Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy
- Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China
- UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador
- Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions
- Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments
- Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems
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