vi /var/packages/DownloadStation/scripts/start-stop-status
将其中rm ${PACKAGE_DIR}/etc/download/settings.json
# rm ${PACKAGE_DIR}/etc/download/settings.json`
`vi /var/packages/DownloadStation/etc/download/settings.json`
5、Transmission Remote GUI的连接界面(保留RPC目录的/rpc
*> I have managed to get this working but I dont find it as useful as I would have thought. I am using default DownloadStation transmission (process transmissionb). One problem is it doesnt start transmission unless a torrent file is being downloaded so you still have to DSM download station to resume before using remotegui. If you pause all torrents then it will disconnect and you cant reconnect because transmission has stopped.
Ill try to list all the things I had to do to get it working.
Pause all downloads and stop download station service in package center.
SSH to NAS, enable in control panel then using putty program, login then "sudo -i" (for DSM6) for root access. (if you havent done this before do a search)
Edit the following so it doesnt delete your config file every time it is restart:
"vi /var/packages/DownloadStation/scripts/start-stop-status"
navigate to the line "rm ${PACKAGE_DIR}/etc/download/settings.json" with arrow keys and press "i" then add '#' to the beginning of the line. Type ":x" then enter to save and exitedit settings file with
"vi /var/packages/DownloadStation/etc/download/settings.json"
Add your ACCESS computer ip to "rpc-whitelist": ",192.168.1.*,your.ip.here",
Make sure "rpc-authentication-required": false,
Change your port here or make sure remote gui has correct port "rpc-port": 9093, MINE WAS 9091
Type ":x" then enter to save and exitGo back to DSM and start download station service and start a torrent file.
Try using transmission remote gui. I used ip address as host name just on its own, check your port here too. Default path /transmission/rpc is correct if you didnt change /transmission/ in settings.json
If it doesnt work go back to settings.json file and check your settings are correct or did not change back. If you made a mistake you need to pause torrents again and stop service again before editing settings.json, save it before restarting both again.
Last edited by kaelloof on Wed May 11, 2016 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.*