public final class MessageQueue {
boolean enqueueMessage(Message msg, long when) {//插入消息
if (msg.target == null) {//handler对象
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must have a target.");
if (msg.isInUse()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(msg + " This message is already in use.");
synchronized (this) {
if (mQuitting) {
IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(msg.target + " sending message to a Handler on a dead thread");
return false;
msg.when = when;
Message p = mMessages;
boolean needWake;
if (p == null || when == 0 || when < p.when) {
// New head, wake up the event queue if blocked.
msg.next = p;
mMessages = msg;
needWake = mBlocked;
} else {
needWake = mBlocked && p.target == null && msg.isAsynchronous();
Message prev;
for (;;) {
prev = p;
p = p.next;
if (p == null || when < p.when) {
if (needWake && p.isAsynchronous()) {
needWake = false;
msg.next = p; // invariant: p == prev.next
prev.next = msg;
if (needWake) {
return true;
Message next() {//取出消息
final long ptr = mPtr;
if (ptr == 0) {
return null;
int pendingIdleHandlerCount = -1; // -1 only during first iteration
int nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;
for (;;) {
if (nextPollTimeoutMillis != 0) {
nativePollOnce(ptr, nextPollTimeoutMillis);
synchronized (this) {
final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
Message prevMsg = null;
Message msg = mMessages;
if (msg != null && msg.target == null) {
do {
prevMsg = msg;
msg = msg.next;
} while (msg != null && !msg.isAsynchronous());
if (msg != null) {
if (now < msg.when) {
nextPollTimeoutMillis = (int) Math.min(msg.when - now, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
} else {
mBlocked = false;
if (prevMsg != null) {
prevMsg.next = msg.next;
} else {
mMessages = msg.next;
msg.next = null;
return msg;
} else {
nextPollTimeoutMillis = -1;
if (mQuitting) {
return null;
if (pendingIdleHandlerCount < 0 && (mMessages == null || now < mMessages.when)) {
pendingIdleHandlerCount = mIdleHandlers.size();
if (pendingIdleHandlerCount <= 0) {
mBlocked = true;
if (mPendingIdleHandlers == null) {
mPendingIdleHandlers = new IdleHandler[Math.max(pendingIdleHandlerCount, 4)];
mPendingIdleHandlers = mIdleHandlers.toArray(mPendingIdleHandlers);
for (int i = 0; i < pendingIdleHandlerCount; i++) {
final IdleHandler idler = mPendingIdleHandlers[i];
mPendingIdleHandlers[i] = null; // release the reference to the handler
boolean keep = false;
try {
keep = idler.queueIdle();
} catch (Throwable t) {
Log.wtf(TAG, "IdleHandler threw exception", t);
if (!keep) {
synchronized (this) {
pendingIdleHandlerCount = 0;
nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;
- 以上代码略显复杂,但是最关键就是enqueueMessage方法和next方法,一个是插入数据,另一个是取出数据,数据保存在变量mMessages上;
- 不用深究代码,查看关键信息不难发现:这里是跨线程的关键点,局部变量mMessages可以在多个线程访问,next运行在当前线程,enqueueMessage方法可以在新线程中访问,我们可以在新线程中调用enqueueMessage方法插入消息,next则会在当前线程不断轮询是否有新消息加入,若加入则返回Message对象,在当前线程接收消息;