📖Day7 IMF70周年拉加德讲话(2)
长期的社会问题 a chronic social problem
导致梦想破灭,与社会脱节 lead to widespread disenchantment and disengagement
表示对政府失望 express disengagement with the government
溢出和溢回效应 spillovers and spillbacks
根据各国具体情况而定 be customized to country circumstances
这几年积累的成果 gains that have been accrued in recent years
打破服务业的垄断 open up cozy monopolies in service industries
金融服务普及性 financial inclusion
碳定价 carbon pricing
做出绿色选择 make green choices
当下挑战严峻 This time the challenge is for real.
与男性一样平等参与 participate on an equal footing with men
经济活动的变革性因素 an economic game-changer
针对各国情况提出建议 offer country-specific advice
以发展促进就业 make growth job-rich