Vocabulary is important! Success not only in school and college, but also in one's professional and business life, has an eminently logical connection with the number of words one knows and can recognize and use.
So in Part III we get down to some intensive work in vocabulary-building.
The writer wrote evidently that we'll get down to some intensive work in vocabulary-building. That's true. I think contents in this part value the most. It shows the way how to make new words come alive to you.
The secret of successful vocabulary building is repetition.
看起来是老生常谈了,但却是事情的真相,之前也一直有看到类似的理论,说一个陌生单词在不同的地方看到、听到7次以上,一辈子都不会忘记。The author also said,
To add a new word to your vocabulary so that it really sticks there---permanently, unforgettably, usefully---you must see or hear that word in many difference contexts and in variety of different forms.
在这章节中,作者提出了一个非常有意义的概念,recognition vocabulary and functional vocabulary.
我们在读书的时候遇到了一些生单词,通过上下文推测或者是词根词缀猜测等让我们有一个大体的认知,然后通过查字典,了解到单词的意思和使用方式,这个时候这个单词属于我们的recognition vocabulary,在这个阶段我们对这个单词的认识还是属于比较被动消极的。我们必须通过使用,whenever, in thinking, speaking, or writing, you have a use for it. 这样我们才能积极地将它转换为我们的functional word. 所以读书会上,Eric要求我们对新的单词不仅仅查出意思,也要用这个单词造句,也是这个道理。
Step 1: Consider Each New Word a Challenge
Step 2: Check Up on Your Response to the Challenge
Step 3: Practice Pronouncing and Spelling Each Word