pod 找不到项目头文件,最根本的原因是路径不对,查一下网上的资源,
1.解决办法:在项目的Target的里设置一下,添加cocoapods头文件目录:目录路径直接写:${SRCROOT} ,后边选择recursive 。就可以了。
注意:是在 User Header Search Paths 里添加,但是还是没能解决问题,
3.最后在项目的Target的里设置一下alwaysSearchUserPaths改成YES,为什么要改成YES,Always Search User Paths ---是否搜索用户路径。UserHeader Search Paths只有在Always Search User Paths为Yes时才会被搜索。所以第一步配置的并没有直接编译成功,仍然无法找到正确的文件路劲。
Xcode Header Path的设置 Header Search Paths是一定会去搜索的。
2.Header Search Paths (HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS)------This is a list of paths to folders to be searched by the compilerfor included or imported header files when compiling C,Objective-C, C++, or Objective-C++ source files.
3.Library Search Paths (LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS)-------This is a list of paths to folders to be searched by the linker forstatic and dynamic libraries used by the product.
4.Framework Search Paths (FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS) -------This is a list of paths to folders containing frameworks to besearched by the compiler for both included or imported header fileswhen compiling C, Objective-C, C++, or Objective-C++, and by thelinker for frameworks used by the product.
5.Rez Search Paths (REZ_SEARCH_PATHS)----This is a list of paths to search for files included by CarbonResource Manager resources and compiled with the Rez tool.