01 毒剂毒性 toxicity of toxic agent
02 急性毒性 acure toxicity
03 亚急性毒性 subacure toxicity
04 慢性毒性 chronic toxicity
05 毒剂毒害效应 poisoning effect of toxic agent
06 毒剂毒害作用 poisoning action of toxic agent
07 毒剂致死效应 lethal effect of toxi agent
08 毒剂失能效应 incapacitating effect of toxic egent
09 毒剂蓄积作用 cummulative effect of toxic agent
10 毒剂迟发效应 delayed effect of chemical agent
11 胆碱酯酶抑制作用 cholinesterase inhibition
12 胆碱酯酶老化 cholinesterase ageing
13 胆碱酯酶重活化 cholinesterase reactivation
14 毒剂中毒 chemical agent intoxication
15 急性中毒 acure intoxication
16 亚急性中毒 subacure poisoing
17 慢性中毒 chronic poisoning
18 闪电型中毒 lightning poisoning
19 全身中毒 systemic poisoning
20 局部中毒 local poisoning