Introduction of your children( 包括小孩的年龄,现在就读的幼儿园/小学的类型, 公立or 私立, 目前课外兴趣班, 是否已经开始课外补习)_每人1分钟*3, 共计3分钟
He is 8 years old, public elementary school, 3rd grade. When he was four years old, I registered Electronic Keyboard class and story class, it turns out the story class was to teach some Chinese character. Both classes were not fun and we quit in half an year. He took a football class for 10 times.
He just finished his two years basketball class last Saturday. He takes a painting class every Saturday afternoon for about 3 years.
Question from Jane:
1:Nowadays many parents send their children to take piano lessons, ballet lessons, English lessons, etc. What is your criteria for choosing extracurricular class for your children and do they enjoy the lessons they take? (每人1-2分钟,共计6分钟)
“Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.” ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Interest, I pick up painting because I notice he can draw. When he was very young, he drew a sketch of a toy shark vividly by himself. Of cause, cost and location is another key. Basketball is just for his health. Boys always like sports. I just want him to take chance to do exercise and grow taller than his parents.
Support in the beginning is very key.
2:It is becoming a trend that kids start their education in a very young age, do you think it is a good thing (每人1-2分钟,共计6分钟)
It depends, if you could do it well and do it early, that’s perfect. Reality is we need to balance the effort and reward. To my logic, I think knowledge is something easier to get when grow up, but character is foundation of the life which is formed in young age. So I would leave my son a less strict life in his young age.
Language, English, creativity, curiosity is something I want to evoke him earlier. (Unfortunately I didn't insist to help my son in English)
3:What do you think the essence of children’s education and why? You can share some of your successful experience or bad example. (每人1-2分钟,共计6分钟)
Passion. Motivation.
Mastery, autonomy, purpose (passion). -> Motivation triangle.
Reading: 阅读的厚度决定人生的高度 The thickness of the reading determines the height of life.