This new book, 'Gazing At Flying Feathers'(1), tells the real stories about birdwatching in China of nearly 30 interesting men and women - they have changed the fate of some birds, and the birds have also changed their life.
'He who can say how he burns, burns little.' (Francesco Petrarca)
From the end of 2014 when l started the first interview, til now the book is finally materialised, l've gone through a few rough patch, like, the walk-out of the editor; my relocation to Shanghai - leaving my beloved Beijing and my dear friends; and my father passed away in August before seeing the book himself.
'He who can say how he burns, burns little.' (Francesco Petrarca) No words l can think of to depict my inner world during these difficult times...
However, l have to say l did get a lot of help along the way: to begin with, Swarovski optics was very generous to sponsor my book; a Beijing birder linked me up to some publishers; the first editor did turn my ideas into a solid plan; quite a few birders put me in touch with other birders for interview, and among many of them were kind and helpful enough to indulge my every (even the tedious) demand; my friends far and close helped me with the book cover design, the proofreading and legal advice...not to mention the earnest effort of pulling everything together to become the book - by my second editor. l have been very blessed even during the darkest hours.
l want to give my heartfelt thanks to all the interviewees again, and l hope their life stories will inspire more people to join our parade of conservation. These people have been working so hard for the welfare of birds in past decades - to me, they all look like Holden Caulfield, the catcher in the rye. And they are there to catch the birds when they fall off the cliff.
l better stop now and let my allstar ensemble tell you their life-changing stories themselves.
(1) 英文书名来自北京世青国际学校(BWYA) Steven Proud (Communications Coordinator)特此致谢。