Airbnb 创始人、CEO Brian Chesky 刚才在 Medium 发了一篇有意思的极简博文 :7 Rejections 。2008年6月26日,他的朋友带他在硅谷见了7个著名的投资人,他想以150万美元的估值,融资15万美金。在此后的四个月中,五位投资人先后发来了拒信,两位泥牛入海。Brian Chesky 贴出了五封隐去了署名的拒信截图。他说:下次,如果你有一个创意被拒了,想想我收到的这些邮件。
今天,Airbnb 被估值200亿美元。与Uber一起被视为共享经济的经典。而所谓共享经济模式,才刚起头。
7 Rejections
On June 26, 2008, our friend Michael Seibel introduced us to 7 prominent investors in Silicon Valley. We were attempting to raise $150,000 at a $1.5M valuation. That means for $150,000 you could have bought 10% of Airbnb. Below you will see 5 rejections. The other 2 did not reply.
The investors that rejected us were smart people, and I am sure we didn’t look very impressive at the time.
Next time you have an idea and it gets rejected, I want you to think of these emails.