I didn't know this place was open for lunch.
It's not. We're off the record. If you fuck me, I never talk to you again.
Got it.
Good. If you ever want to come here, just call me. Now, why was my name coming out of your mouth at a press conference?
Hey, that was before you asked me to lunch.
Jump in.
Let's talk about those kids you put through college.
That's the one question gets me walking away from the table. That's between them and me. I don't talk about it with anyone else. What's next?
Softball. Underhand. Give me some insight into how you process information.
The press acts like information's a dirty word. Everyone has access to the information. We just know how to analyze it better. You answer me one. When did it become a crime to succeed in this country? America used to salute the guy in the limousine. They wanted to be the guy in the limousine. They still want to. But now they throw eggs at it.
I only ever went egging once. Biggest house in the neighborhood, and they never gave out any candy, so they deserved it. We destroyed that place.
Once? You're an altar boy.That was every Halloween for me. You're from around here, right?
Yeah, Grand Concourse. Then White Plains.
Yeah, me too. Well, Yonkers, but it wasn't nice back then.
Hey, man, Yonkers used to be a place where you could really get your ass kicked.
You're a good kid for a fucking hack.
And you're a good guy for a bankster.
All right, fuck it. I wasn't gonna give you this, but you're here for a story and now I like you, so - Steven Birch.
Piedmont Capital.
Yeah. That swap deal he did on Arcadian Rail Road the timing is very curious.
What kind of swap?
I'm not gonna write the article for you. Do an autopsy on the deal, you'll find yourself a Pulitzer in the carcass. Here's my cell. Don't call until the market closes. No voicemail. No E-mail.
Enjoy your lunch.
Jump in 字面意思是leap into sth 比如水;还有一个意思是to begin or undertake sth quickly,enthusiastically,and without trepidation
Underhand 秘密的,阴险的,狡猾的,卑鄙的
Hack n雇佣文人(尤指廉价受雇撰写报纸庸俗文章者); (受雇于组织,尤其是政客) 从事艰苦乏味工作的人; 杂务人员; 供人骑的马; 可出租的马;
Bankster银盗; 银行家; 银行匪帮; 银行恶棍; 银匪;
Autopsy n.验尸; 尸体解剖;
How do you respond to the criticism that hedge funds are the scavengers of the financial sector and that a select few have undue influence on the markets? Any public statement you make or position you take can send a stock soaring or falling.
We're not scavengers. We're white blood cells scrubbing out bad companies, earning for our investors, preventing bubbles. A hedge fund like mine is a market regulator.
I want people like Bobby Axelrod on that wall. I need them on that wall. Axe makes my life easier by shouting if he sees something.
The moment I let someone in a boardroom or a government office tell me what I can or cannot buy, I may as well close the shop, and I'm not closing the shop.
Let's touch on the role of the activist investor in today's market.
I'm not just playing for myself. I'm playing for all shareholders, like my good friend Steven Birch here.
Bobby Axelrod, Steven Birch, thanks to you both.
Um, that, uh, thing we were talking about, they are levered four to one. When their accounting comes out, it's not gonna look pretty, right?
Those fucking guys. I wasn't told. I don't know why Brooks saved those seats for them. I'm gonna find him and skin his ass.
I'm gonna get me that scalp. You crushed it. Crushed.
Let's get out of this ratfuck.
Watch out. He may buy the building.
It's an A-minus building. Needs overhaul. he doesn’t consider anything less than triple-A
Yet he hired you.
Easy, Bryan.
Learn anything from my talk?
Volumes. You staying for mine?
I know your act. You sending me messages? 'Cause I'm here.
Well, the kids in my office really thought you might buy that house. I told them you got big balls, but not that big.
Yeah, right. I'll probably pass. It's so nice, though, you know. Feels like you're part of the beach and ocean. And all that air out there… shit, you know about it. Your dady’s got a little place out there. He must let you use a bedroom some weekends if you say please.
Walk away.
I should. But then again, what's the point of having "fuck you" money if you never say "fuck you"?
You're a smart man. So you know when I bring an action, not some county or even state, it's the United States versus. Don't give me a reason.
Oh, I know who brings an action. And I know what you feel about your perfect record, too. You can't afford a mark in the loss column.
There's a saying in baseball. Towns fire managers. Owners just give them the bad news. You're the only one running the big money they cheer for. But that's because you worked that 9/11 shit for all it’s worth.
Fuck yourself. I have never sent out a single press release, given one interview. I lost every one of my friends that day.
And you've managed to make some new ones since. But like I said, they may be cheering now, but believe me, they are dying to boo.
And now from the other side, the man whose job is to ride herd over the bulls and bears.
Scavenger 清道夫 拾荒者
Undue adj.不适当的; 过分的; 过度的;
you crushed it= you did really well Its a phrase used to express how well someone did.
Boo v.(对…) 发嘘声,喝倒彩;
ride herd on 动词词组(美国俚语)管束,严密管制,管理,监视和纠正 这里用的是ride herd over 估计是一个意思