一. 简易流程
3.进行判断这一行是否是我要的1.如果是则则执行对应的命令(p d c a i s )
2.如果不是则读取下一行(注如果没加上-n sed会默认显示这行内容(模式空间内容))
详细过程一定要看官方的说明:info sed
`sed' maintains two data buffers: the active pattern space, and the
auxiliary hold space. Both are initially empty.
pattern space 模式空间
hold sapce 保持空间
`sed' operates by performing the following cycle on each line of
first, `sed' reads one line from the input stream, removes any
trailing newline, and places it in the pattern space.
第1步,sed从输入(文件或管道)中读取1行,删除每一行的回车符号然后存放在模式空间(pattern space)中。
Then commands are executed; each command can have an address associated to it:addresses are a kind of condition code, and a command is only executed if the condition is verified before the command is to be executed.
第2步,开始执行对应的命令,每个命令前面可以有一个条件(地址),只有满足条件的时候才会执行对应的命令(p d s c a i等等).
When the end of the script is reached, unless the `-n' option is in
use, the contents of pattern space are printed out to the output
stream, adding back the trailing newline if it was removed.(1) Then the
next cycle starts for the next input line.
第3步,当命令执行完成(这里命令指的是sed内部的p d s c a i 等等),如果没有-n参数(取消sed命令默认输出)则sed会把当前模式空间的内容显示出来然后再加上1个回车(第1步被删除的).然后开始读取下一行,进行下一个循环.
Unless special commands (like D') are used, the pattern space is deleted between two cycles. The hold space, on the other hand, keeps its data between cycles (see commands
h', H',
x', g',
G' to move
data between both buffers).
保持空间的内容会在每次循环之间保留不被清空 (通过 h H x g G 移动保持空间和模式空间的数据)
(1) Actually, if sed' prints a line without the terminating newline, it will nevertheless print the missing newline as soon as more text is sent to the same output stream, which gives the "least expected surprise" even though it does not make commands like `sed -n p' exactly identical to cat'.
实际上,sed如果显示没有回车的行,他会在你多次显示到相同输出的时候替你加上缺少的回车。这个特点sed -n p 和cat并不完全相同.
[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]# cat old.txt #这个文件就没有回车
oldboy[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]#
[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]# sed -n p old.txt #通过sed显示的时候 没有显示每行的结尾
oldboy[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]#
[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]# sed -n p old.txt old.txt old.txt #多次输出的时候sed会自动加上 回车
oldboy[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]#
[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]# cat old.txt old.txt old.txt #同样输出到相同的地方(屏幕) cat不会自动加上回车
oldboyoldboyoldboy[root@oldboyedu-show01 ~]#