(1)早读: 20180426 The good deeds a man has done before defend him. From the movie Ex Machina(之前行的善能为你逢凶化吉。) 《机械姬》(Ex Machina)一部科幻惊悚片。该片讲述了老板邀请员工到别墅对智能机器人进行“图灵测试”的故事。
(2)阅读:阅读英文原版小说《傲慢与偏见》(The pride and Prejudice)41-45页。
2. 音乐:单曲循环You know Who I am, 这周只听 Leonard Cohen的歌曲,低沉地倾诉自己:
You know who I am
you've stared at the sun,
well I am the one who loves
changing from nothing to one.
I cannot follow you, my love,
you cannot follow me.
I am the distance you put between
all of the moments that we will be.
2. 练习口语:(1)看外教上课的小视频Learn_English_with_strange_news!听了一个奇怪的故事。
3. 阅读:正在读《游戏力II》,开始第四次【与爱书告别并赠书】,谁会是下一个幸运者呢?
4. 国际学校开放日:宁静而热烈,静静的热烈。正在写一篇简书详述其精彩。照片和视频整理特别烦锁,预计两日写完。加油!
5. 合唱团排练:下午紧锣密鼓排练《奉献》,准备演出。歌词和意境都很美!
6. 散步: 今天穿着高跟鞋,所以早上我就滴滴打车去了国际学校;中午回家,邂逅同事Sally,搭她车回家,一路上畅聊家常,到她家小区门口下车,我去了商业街买了一些水果,然后慢慢步行回家。开放日精彩的一幕幕在我眼前浮现 ....
7. 观影:晚上和孩子们共赏电影《一条狗的使命》(A dog's purpose),讲述了一条狗贝利经历多次重生,在一次次生命的轮回中寻找不同的使命,最后又回到了最初的主人身边的故事。
【signed in for everyday walks and exercise】Day 51 20180426
Today I was wearing high heels, so I went to the international school by calling a car in the morning; I went home at noon, met my colleague Sally, took her car home, chatted all the way home, got off at the gate of her neighborhood,I went to the commercial street and bought some fruit, and then walked home slowly.The wonderful scene of the opening day lingered in my mind.