PART 1: Thoughts
“each one done correctly, time and again, until excellence in every detail becomes a firmly ingrained habit.” 不要忽视小细节,要习惯性的把控细节,完善它,例如口语练习。
To effectively practice a skill without a teacher, it helps to keep in mind three Fs: Focus. Feedback. Fix it. 自学的3个重要因素。
We can only form effective mental representations when we try to reproduce what the expert performer can do, fail, figure out why we failed, try again, and repeat over and over again.复制、失败、思考、再尝试,创建有效的心理表征。
PART 2: Summary
The author restates the importance of finding a good teacher, and, providing a tip: you may need to change teachers as you yourself change. However, if we don't have a teacher, we can manufacture our own opportunities. We can keep in mind three Fs: Focus. Feedback. Fix it. And, again, we can form effective mental representations when we do repeatedly and analyze effectively, determine our weaknesses, and figure out ways to address them.
Deliberate practice is for everyone who dreams. So keep trying, learn it and do it.
PART 3: Words and Expression
1.原文:Even the most motivated and intelligent student will advance more quickly under the tutelage of someone who knows the best order in which to learn things.
tutelage:n. when you are taught or looked after by someone 监护;指导
under somebody’s tutelage
仿句:I got a good record under the tutelage of my teacher.
2.原文:If you’re a flat-out beginner, any reasonably skilled teacher will do. a direct and completely way 完全的,不折不扣的;断然的,坦率的
straight outask / tell somebody flat out
仿句:It's a flat-out lie.
3.原文:It’s hard not to get bored and just zone out, letting your mind wander far outside the pool.
zone out: adj. to stop paying attention, for example because you are bored or tired (使)变得浑然无觉;(使)变得头昏脑胀
仿句:I tend to zone out after I read the grammar about two hours.
4.原文:This taught him to express ideas clearly and cogently.
cogently:adv.if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct痛切地;中肯地
仿句:His assessment was cogently argued.