Today is Monday.
Amelia's father drove the car to Mary's new painted house through a causeway, which means a raised path or road that crosses water or wet land. There were many cars going to the beach. So the causeway was crowded. They finally passed the causeway and arrived at Amelia's aunt's house. Before they put their luggages into the house, Amelia took off her clothes. Her parents and aunt were shocked by her behavior. They thought she would embarrass them for her naked body, but actually Amelia had put on her bath suit inside the night before that day. She had just wanted to save the time. They sighed for relief. Jason helped her to make her bed and asked her to take a skim board. They dashed to the shallow area of sea. Jason could skim on the sand, but Amelia was unable to do. She learned quickly from Jason. Her father also came to skim. "The last one is called rotten egg," yelled him. Rotten egg means a bad or despised person or an evil influence, which is the same as badd egg. Wow, what a familiar idiom. We also say bad egg in Chinese.