@interface TZImagePickerController () {
NSTimer *_timer;
UILabel *_tipLabel;
UIButton *_settingBtn;
BOOL _pushPhotoPickerVc;
BOOL _didPushPhotoPickerVc;
UIButton *_progressHUD;
UIView *_HUDContainer;
UIActivityIndicatorView *_HUDIndicatorView;
UILabel *_HUDLabel;
UIStatusBarStyle _originStatusBarStyle;
我们无法使用 self. 的形式调用成员变量,只能通过 _ 的形式 调用成员变量,那么如何处理 循环引用 问题?
__weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;
[[TZImageManager manager] getCameraRollAlbum:self.allowPickingVideo allowPickingImage:self.allowPickingImage completion:^(TZAlbumModel *model) {
__strong typeof(weakSelf) strongSelf = weakSelf;
strongSelf->_didPushPhotoPickerVc = YES;
说明: 在 block
里一定要使用 strongSelf
Dereferencing a __weak pointer is not allowed due to possible null value caused by race condition, assign it to strong variable first
大概意思就是 不允许使用__weak 指针,因为在某些情况下可能会出现 null 值,所以要使用 强引用