The Shaping of North America
知识点1: 大陆漂移(continental drift)
知识点2: 加拿大地盾(Canadian Shield)——a zone undergirded by ancient rock
The weight of the gargantuan ice mantle had depressed the level of the Canadian Shield. The grinding and flushing action of the moving and melting ice had scoured away the shield’s topsoil, pitting its rocky surface with thousands of shallow depressions into which the melting glaciers owed to form lakes.
美国东部的阿巴拉契亚Appalachian ——formed even before continental separation, perhaps350 millionyears ago
美国西部的落基山脉(the Rockies),内华达山脉 (the Sierra Nevada), 喀斯喀特山脉(the Cascades), and海岸山脉 (the Coast Ranges) ——some135 million to 25 millionyears ago,truly “American” mountains, born after the continent took on its own separate geological identity.
自西向东 the Coast Ranges-> the Sierra and Cascade Ranges -> Great Basin -> the Rockies
大盐湖(Great Salt Lake):北美洲第一大盐湖,它位于美国西部内华达山和瓦萨启山之间的盆地中,行政区属于犹他州