Over-prescription of antibiotics by doctors who
respond to patients’demands has raised the drug resistance ofharmful bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria can make routine surgery and minorcuts fatal if infections take hold. We could introduce penalties for doctorswho over-prescribe, but this would not be enough. Given the scale andescalation of antibiotic resistance, we need to discover a new class ofantibiotics. In the past, pharmaceutical companies have not regarded researchon antibiotics as potentially profitable. Governments should give financialincentives to the pharmaceutical industry to intensify work on finding newclasses of antibiotics which could be kept in reserve for emergencies such as aglobal epidemic. This would make it more attractive for pharmaceuticalcompanies to carry out the necessary research.
Which one of the following, if true, moststrengthens the above argument?
A Governments will not allow routine sales of a newantibiotic, except in an emergency.
B In some countries antibiotics can be boughtwithout a prescription from a doctor.
C Antibiotics are useless against viruses and oftenunnecessary against mild bacterial infections.
D Use of antibiotics in livestock production hasincreased bacterial resistance to several antibiotics.