Leon and Amy:
大多数人讨厌星期一,因为又要上班了。Most people hate Monday, because they need to go to work again.
周末,weekend.我们都喜欢周末,因为可能休息一下了。We all love weekend, because we can take some rest then.
许多人一周工作五天,星期一到星期五。有的人一周工作六天,星期一到星期六。Many people work 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. Some people work 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday.
多数人需要工作来维持生活,没有工作就没有饭吃。Most people need to work to make a living, without food if without working/ can not survive without working.
工作是生活中的重要部分,我们应该开开心心地工作。Work is an important part of life, we should work happily.
你的工作是什么?What is your job?/What is your occupation?
工资、薪水,salary.你的工资有多少?What is your salary?/ How much do you earn?/ How much do you make? 在国外,一般人之间很少会讨论工资有多高。还有,不要随便问女生的年龄。
她工作很努力,经常都加班。She works very hard and often works overtime.加班,overtime,OT.
他很聪明,知道怎么平衡工作和生活。He is a smart guy, knows how to balance work and life.
你热爱你的工作吗?Do you love your job?
如果你有足够的钱,不用工作也可以正常生活,你还会做现在的工作吗?If you have enough money, can make a living without a job, would you still do the job you are doing?