Day1:王品台塑 - 书店 - 恒隆 - 送礼
Day2:保利广场 - 火车站南北穿越
I wanna share my life with you on this day, so I came.
I miss you too much, so I came.
I wanna show you the real me, not the icon on Weixin, so I came.
I tried to hold it but I can't, so I did.
I just wanna show you something even without anything responded, but not willing to force you, so if you don't know, just let it be.
Unless you refuse me, I would go on to do my best.
I will be sad, I will be gloomy, I will be tired.
But I won't stop before my heart still beating for you.
There is no why exactly, but live & firm.
I love you.