part one vacabularies
1, a one-night stand 一夜情
(纯属一时好奇查了这个短语的意思,开始根据字面理解站一晚上,难道是值班?啊哈哈哈,捂脸) 也有其他的说法其实,什么one night love 等等, 貌似这个说法更普遍。
原文: For most of us, the classic test of willpower is resisting temptation, whether the temptress is a doughnut, a cigarette, a clearance sale, or a one-night stand.
2, crocodile /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ N-COUNT 可数名词 鳄鱼
原文:Just a few generations ago, your responsibilities in life would have been so simple: 1. Find dinner. 2. Reproduce. 3. Avoid unexpected encounters with a Crocodyhis anthropophagus (that's Latin for "crocodile that snacks on humans").
3, loincloth /ˈlɔɪnklɒθ/ N-COUNT 可数名词(尤指某些炎热国家的男子用来蔽体的)缠腰布,遮羞布
A loincloth is a piece of cloth sometimes worn by men in order to cover their sexual parts, especially in countries when it is too hot to wear anything else.
原文: Cooperate when your neighbor needs shelter, share your dinner even if you’re still hungry, and think twice before saying "That loincloth makes you look fat." In other words, a little self-control, please.
note: 感觉这个单词的意思有点奇怪放在这里
4, prefrontal cortex \\(ˌ)prē-ˈfrən-təl\\ /ˈkoɚˌtɛks/ 前额叶 (整个章节就围绕这个来说事.......)
5, foreman N-COUNT 可数名词 (尤指男性)领班,工头
A foreman is a person, especially a man, in charge of a group of workers.
6, He is fitful (间歇性的), irreverent (不恭的), indulging (放纵的) at times in the grossest (粗俗的) profanity (咒骂) (which was not previously his custom), manifesting (显现) but little deference (尊重) for his fellows, impatient of restraint (克制) or advice when it conflicts with his desires... devising (策划) many plans of future operation, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned....
note: 额,一般什么科幻悬疑片啊什么穿越啊之类的,讲一个人在经过一次重大事件(比如溺水,车祸)之后大难不死,但是,恢复健康之后整个人跟变了一个人似的,看来还有科学的解释啊:人还是那个人,只不过控制大脑人格的功能区域受到了损伤。涨姿势了。
part two sentences
1, To say no when you need to say no, and yes when you need to say yes, you need a third power: the ability to remember what you really want. 这句话说得很有道理
2, Ask your brain to do math every day, and it gets better at math. Ask your brain to worry, and it gets better at worrying. Ask your brain to concentrate, and it gets better at concentrating. 嗯,大脑符合用进废退原则,要勤用脑,不思考只会变得越来越笨,这是有科学根据的.
part three summary
1, 说到自我意识,在看书不能坚持下来这个方面我早就意识到了。以前试着分析过原因,但是都只是大约想了一会,并没有具体分析透彻,也就不了了之了。
我试着记录一下明天在看书时会出现的各种 willpower choices, 然后看看困扰了我这么久的问题是啥.(今天看书的时候也有中断的时候,但是没有做记录。)
2, 说到冥想,是为了提高专注力。这个我有,而且每次练瑜伽的时候也会做。我可以不做这个方面的实验。