- 讲的特别详细就搬运过来了,搬运链接:The UCSC Genome Browser Coordinate Counting Systems
“1-start, fully-closed” = coordinates positioned within the web-based UCSC Genome Browser.
“0-start, half-open” = coordinates stored in database tables.
Table 1. UCSC Genome Browser coordinate systems summary
0-start, half-open (0-based) | 1-start, fully-closed (1-based) |
“BED” format (Browser Extensible Data): | “Position” format: |
chr1 127140000 127140001 | chr1:127140001-127140001 |
Note: Spaces, not punctuation | note: Punctuation used, no spaces |
When using BED format, brows er & utilities | When using “position” format, browser & utilities |
assume coords are 0-start, half-open. | assume coords are 1-start, fully-closed. |
Stored in UCSC Genome Browser tables | Positioned in UCSC Genome Browser web interface |
To convert to 1-start, fully-closed: | To convert to 0-start, half-open: |
add 1 to start, end = same | subtract 1 from start, end = same |