sorry 没正经图又一张。
Sebastian Stan 经常发些没正经的“对口型”唱歌视频,撕毁自己的偶像形象,事实是他会唱歌,嗓音还不错。Bilibili网站上大把他唱歌儿的视频。摘选两首他起头唱的歌,卡拉ok起来--哦 不!起来学英语!
第一首是动漫展上包子飙出的对男生来说太高音的金句Sherry~出自音乐剧泽西男孩(Jersey boys)
歌词如下Jersey Boys
Sherry, Sherry baby
Sherry, Sherry baby
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
To my twist party
(Come out)
Where the bright moon shines
(Come out)
We'll dance the night away
I'm gonna make-a you mine
Sherry baby
(Sherry baby)
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
With your red dress on
(Come out)
Mmh, you look so fine
Move it nice and easy
Girl, you make me lose my mind
Sherry baby
Sherry, can you come out tonight?
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
Sherry, sherry, baby
(Come, come, come out tonight)
词曲作者:Bob Gaudio
多么可爱的歌词,洋溢着青春的活力,歌词初级难度。开场前有几句对白,说男孩得到一个机会去studio(录音棚)试唱,结果惊艳四座,最后一句the whole world explode!explode是爆炸的意思,这里是指男孩对自己成功惊艳了那些大咖后洋洋得意。整个世界都炸了锅,为我疯狂了。这不就是初生牛犊闯荡世界的第一个小小胜利后的又惊又喜又骄傲的小心思嘛。随后的歌曲是小伙子成功后自信满满地约心仪的女孩夜晚出来约会。重复率最高的是Sherry can you come out tonight?估计这个叫Sherry的女孩儿是抵抗不了这么火热强烈的邀约吧!
假如遇到有趣的男孩女孩男人女人,别等有没有小成功大成就减肥咋样了 ,就是现在,像包子一直鼓励大家的一样,别多想(overthinking)邀起来!男神女神,can you come out tonight?图片发自简书App