Inorder tocomply wih latestrequirements ofthe Listing Rules.the Directors propose to adopt the Share Incentive Plan in replacement of the Company's existing share option scheme.l Options² granted and not exercised under the existing share option scheme before the adoptionofthe ShareIncentive Plan willhoweverremaineffective and are bound by the terms of the existing share option scheme.The Share Incentive Plan isashare scheme whichthe Directors believe.will provideincentives toatract andretainemployees oftheGroupas wellas othereligible personswho haveor will have contribution to the business development of the Group.
The Share Incentive Plan,by granting options to the employees or the other eligible persons,will provide to the Participants apersonal stake in the Companywhichthe Directors believe. will help the building of common objective of the Group and the Participants for the betterment of business and profitability of the Group.According to the Share Incentive Plan. the grant of options may be subject to conditions which may include the minimum period that must be held.and the performance target that must be achieved before the options can be exercised and the basis for determination of the exercise price.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]为遵守上市规则的最新规定,董事建议采纳股份奖励计划以取代本公司现行的股票期权计划、根据现有股票期权计划授出而在采纳股份奖励计划前仍未行使的股票期权讲仍然有效,并受现行股票期权计划的条款规限。董事相信,股份奖励计划可为本集团招徕及挽留雇员及其他已对或将会对本集团业务发展作出贡献的合资格人士。
Ifa general or partial offeriwhether by way of take-over offer share re-purchase offer orscheme ofarrangement or oterwiseinlike manneris made to allthe holders of Shares.or all such holders other than the offeror and/or any person controlledby the offeror andor any person acting in association or concert with offeror, the Company shall use all reasonable endeavors to procure that such offer is extendedto allthe grantees on the same terms,with appropriate alteration ofdetails and assuming that they will become,by the exercise in full of the options granted to them. Shareholders.9If such offer becomes oris declared unconditional?a grantee shall be entitled to exercise his option (to the extent not already exercised) to its full extent or to the extent specified in the grantee's notice to the Company in exercise of his option at any time before the close of such offer Gor any revised offer).Subject to theabove,an option (totheextentnotalready exercised) willlapse automatically on the date on which such offer ( the case may be,revised offer) closes.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]若全体股份持有人(或除要约人、及/或受要约人控制的任何人士、及/或与要约人联合行动、或一致行动的任何人士之外的所有持有人)获提呈全面、或部分收回建议(不论是收购建议、股份购回建议或债务偿还安排计划或其他类似建议),则本公司须尽一切合理努力,促使该建议会以相同条款,并就有关详情加以适当修改后,授予所有承授人,当中假设彼等会悉数行使获授的购股权而成为股东。若该项建议成为或被宣布为不附带任何条件,则承授人有权于建议(或任何经修订建议)结束前任何时间悉数行使其购股权或行使其以书面通知本公司的特定数目购股权(以尚未行使者为限)。在上文所规限下,购股权(以尚未行使为限)会于该项建议(或(视情况而定)任何经修订建议)结束当日自动失效。