解析彩虹 Day 5
将杂乱的波形分解成正弦波,然后又能将其重新组合为原始的曲折线,这种数学方法被称为傅立叶分析,得名于19世纪法国数学家约瑟夫·傅立叶(Joseph Fourier)。
My Brilliant Friend Day 2
What that demotion caused inside me I don’t know, I find it difficult to say, today, faithfully and clearly what I felt.
Perhaps nothing at first, some jealousy, like everyone else.
But surely it was then that a worry began to take shape. I thought that, although my legs functioned perfectly well, I ran the constant risk of becoming crippled.
I woke with that idea in my head and I got out of bed right away to see if my legs still worked.
Maybe that’s why I became focused on Lila, who had slender, agile legs, and was always moving them, kicking even when she was sitting next to the teacher, so that the teacher became irritated and soon sent her back to her desk.
Something convinced me, then, that if I kept up with her, at her pace, my mother’s limp, which had entered into my brain and wouldn’t come out, would stop threatening me.
I decided that I had to model myself on that girl, never let her out of my sight, even if she got annoyed and chased me away.
I suppose that that was my way of reacting to envy, and hatred, and of suffocating them.
Or maybe I disguised in that manner the sense of subordination, the fascination I felt.
Certainly I trained myself to accept readily Lila’s superiority in everything, and even her oppressions.