美女叫Ali Spittel。
Ali 玩儿python和javascript。简直和我重合的不能再重合了。
- 一个学习 CSS 选择器的游戏:CSS Diner
- 一个学习 CSS Flexbox 的游戏:Flexbox Froggy
- 一个学习 CSS 网格的游戏:CSS Grid Garden
- 我从零开始学 CSS 的视频:Learning CSS Through Creating Art
- Jen Simmons 的一个很棒的 CSS 网格系列视频:Layout Land
学 JS:
- 介绍 JavaScript 的视频系列:Khan Academy Computer Programming
- 一个特别棒的,详细介绍 JS 的视频:A re-introduction to JavaScript
- 30 天 JS 挑战:JS 30
- 这个网站啥都有,从 HTML CSS、JS 到框架以及其他的各种语言,它使用 REPL 的教学方式,这是学习编程最好的起点:Code Academy
- 学习一个 Web 框架,从命令行到 Python、Django,一天内完成:Django Girls(这个网站对我职业生涯非常关键)
- 直接在浏览器中尝试 Ruby 代码:Try Ruby
- 直接在浏览器中学习 Git 和 GitHub:Try Git
- 计算机科学基础知识:BaseCS
- 我写的一些面试备忘录:Coding Cheat Sheets
- MIT 的计算机课程:MIT on YouTube
- 有很多难题的挑战大赛:CodeWars
- 更具一致性的代码挑战网站:HackerRank
- 数学编程问题:Project Euler
- 在 dev.to 通过 #explainlikeimfive、#help和 #meta 来提问
- 参与 Twitter 聊天,收听一些有用的 podcast 阅读好博客文章,比如 CodeNewbies。
- 有技术问题也可以在 Stack Overflow参与讨论。
Last week, I shared my tips for new developers and how to start coding. I also wanted to share my favorite free resources for learning how to code. I have used or gone through each of these personally, so I can vouch for them being good quality and beginner friendly!
For HTML and CSS
- A game for learning CSS selectors: CSS Diner
- A game for learning CSS Flexbox: Flexbox Froggy
- A game for learning CSS Grid: CSS Grid Garden
- A video I made for learning CSS from zero: Learning CSS Through Creating Art
- An awesome CSS Grid series by Jen Simmons: Layout Land
For JavaScript
- A video series introducing JavaScript: Khan Academy Computer Programming
- An awesome more advanced written introduction to JavaScript: A re-introduction to JavaScript
- 30 days of JavaScript challenges with corresponding videos by Wes Bos: JS 30
For other Programming Languages and Concepts
- This site has it all -- from HTML, CSS, and JS through frameworks and other programming languages. It has a unique REPL tutorial format: Code Academy - this would be my top recommendation for where to start.
- Learn a web framework -- from the command line through Python and Django and through HTML and CSS -- all in roughly a day: Django Girls - their online tutorial was where web development clicked for me -- it was very pivotal in my career!
- Try Ruby code directly in your browser: Try Ruby
- Github has a series of tutorials for learning both Git and GitHub directly in the browser: Try Git
For Computer Science
- A series of illustrated guides to computer science fundamentals: BaseCS - there are also podcast and video versions of some of these articles!
- A bunch of cheat sheets I wrote when studying for interviews: Coding Cheat Sheets
- Video versions of a lot of classes including computer science classes: MIT on YouTube
For Code Challenges
- Tons of challenges with difficulties attached: CodeWars
- Another code challenge site with more consistency: HackerRank
- Mathematical coding problems: Project Euler
Awesome beginner Libraries
- Build art with JavaScript: P5 JS
- Build a customized map with JavaScript: Leaflet
- Build virtual reality applications with HTML: A-Frame
- Build a JavaScript game: Phaser
- Ask questions with the #explainlikeimfive, #help, and #meta tags dev.to
- Participate in Twitter chats, listen to awesome motivational podcasts, and read helpful blog posts: CodeNewbies - they also have a Slack group!
Your Favorites
Again, these are the resources that I have used myself or gone at least gone through, so I can definitely recommend them. Since I do mostly Python and JavaScript development, these lean pretty heavily in that direction! Tweet me your favorite resources! If you liked this article, subscribe to my weekly mailing list with my favorite links from the week and all of my writing from that week!