[Racket] Language Model(二):Syntax Model

The syntax of a Racket program is defined by

Racket 程序的语法是这样定义的,

a read pass that processes a character stream into a syntax object; and
an expand pass that processes a syntax object to produce one that is fully parsed.


Source code is normally read in read-syntax mode, which produces a syntax object.

源代码通常使用 read-syntax 读入,最后生成一个语法对象。

The expand pass recursively processes a syntax object to produce a complete parse of the program. Binding information in a syntax object drives the expansion process, and when the expansion process encounters a binding form, it extends syntax objects for sub-expression with new binding information.


1. 标识符,绑定和作用域(Identifiers, Binding, and Scopes)

An identifier is a source-program entity. Parsing (i.e., expanding) a Racket program reveals that some identifiers correspond to variables, some refer to syntactic forms (such as lambda, which is the syntactic form for functions), some refer to transformers for macro expansion, and some are quoted to produce symbols or syntax objects. An identifier binds another (i.e., it is a binding) when the former is parsed as a variable or syntactic form and the latter is parsed as a reference to the former; the latter is bound.

程序的解析(即,宏展开)过程中,会看到某些标识符是变量,另一些是句法形式(syntactic forms)(例如,lambda 是函数的句法形式),


For example, as a fragment of source, the text


(let ([x 5]) x)

includes two identifiers: let and x (which appears twice). When this source is parsed in a context where let has its usual meaning, the first x binds the second x.

包含两个标识符,letxx 出现了两次)。
let 就是通常意义下的含义,创建了 x 的一个绑定。

Bindings and references are determined through scope sets. A scope corresponds to a region of the program that is either in part of the source or synthesized through elaboration of the source. Nested binding contexts (such as nested functions) create nested scopes, while macro expansion creates scopes that overlap in more complex ways. Conceptually, each scope is represented by a unique token, but the token is not directly accessible. Instead, each scope is represented by a value that is internal to the representation of a program.



A form is a fragment of a program, such as an identifier or a function call. A form is represented as a syntax object, and each syntax object has an associated set of scopes (i.e., a scope set). In the above example, the representations of the xs include the scope that corresponds to the let form.


上述例子中,x 对应的语法对象中包含了 let 句型提供的作用域。

When a form parses as the binding of a particular identifier, parsing updates a global table that maps a combination of an identifier’s symbol and scope set to its meaning: a variable, a syntactic form, or a transformer. An identifier refers to a particular binding when the reference’s symbol and the identifier’s symbol are the same, and when the reference’s scope set is a superset of the binding’s scope set. For a given identifier, multiple bindings may have scope sets that are subsets of the identifier’s; in that case, the identifier refers to the binding whose set is a superset of all others; if no such binding exists, the reference is ambiguous (and triggers a syntax error if it is parsed as an expression). A binding shadows any binding (i.e., it is shadowing any binding) that the same symbol but a subset of scopes.




For example, in


(let ([x 5]) x)

in a context where let corresponds to the usual syntactic form, the parsing of let introduces a new scope for the binding of x. Since the second x receives that scope as part of the let body, the first x binds the second x. In the more complex case

let 表示通常意义下句法形式,它会引入一个新的作用域,其中设置了 x 的绑定。
由于第二个 x 是在 let 内部获取作用域的,因此,第一个 x 设置了第二个 x 的绑定。


(let ([x 5])
  (let ([x 6])

the inner let creates a second scope for the second xs, so its scope set is a superset of the first x’s scope set—which means that the binding for the second x shadows the one for the first x, and the third x refers to the binding created by the second one.

里面那个 let 为第二个 x 创建了另一个作用域,
所以第二个 x 的作用域集,比第一个 x 多一个(超集),
这意味着,对 x 的第二次绑定覆盖了先前对 x 的第一次绑定。
因此,第三个 x 指的是 x 的第二次绑定。

A top-level binding is a binding from a definition at the top-level; a module binding is a binding from a definition in a module; all other bindings are local bindings. Within a module, references to top-level bindings are disallowed. An identifier without a binding is unbound.



Throughout the documentation, identifiers are typeset to suggest the way that they are parsed. A hyperlinked identifier like lambda indicates a reference to a syntactic form or variable. A plain identifier like x is a variable or a reference to an unspecified top-level variable.

黑体的标识符,例如 lambda 表示它是一个句型或变量的引用。
普通标识符,例如 x,表示变量,或引用了不确定的顶层变量。

Every binding has a phase level in which it can be referenced, where a phase level normally corresponds to an integer (but the special label phase level does not correspond to an integer). Phase level 0 corresponds to the run time of the enclosing module (or the run time of top-level expressions). Bindings in phase level 0 constitute the base environment. Phase level 1 corresponds to the time during which the enclosing module (or top-level expression) is expanded; bindings in phase level 1 constitute the transformer environment. Phase level -1 corresponds to the run time of a different module for which the enclosing module is imported for use at phase level 1 (relative to the importing module); bindings in phase level -1 constitute the template environment. The label phase level does not correspond to any execution time; it is used to track bindings (e.g., to identifiers within documentation) without implying an execution dependency.

0 阶段指的是包含它的模块处于运行时阶段(或者如果它位于顶层,指的是顶层表达式位于运行时阶段)。
0 阶段的绑定,构成了最基础的环境。

1 阶段,意味着包含它的模块(或顶层表达式)正在进行宏展开。
1 阶段的绑定,构成了语法转换环境。

-1 阶段,指的是某一模块的运行时阶段,该模块被另一个模块位于第 1 阶段的模块所导入。
-1 阶段的绑定,构成了模板环境。


An identifier can have different bindings in different phase levels. More precisely, the scope set associated with a form can be different at different phase levels; a top-level or module context implies a distinct scope at every phase level, while scopes from macro expansion or other syntactic forms are added to a form’s scope sets at all phases. The context of each binding and reference determines the phase level whose scope set is relevant.



2. 语法对象(Syntax Objects)

A syntax object combines a simpler Racket value, such as a symbol or pair, with lexical information, source-location information, syntax properties, and tamper status. The lexical information of a syntax object comprises a set of scope sets, one for each phase level. In particular, an identifier is represented as a syntax object containing a symbol, and its lexical information can be combined with the global table of bindings to determine its binding (if any) at each phase level.

Racket 中的一些简单的值,例如符号或点对,连同它们的词法信息,源代码位置,语法属性,修改状态等等,组成了语法对象。


For example, a car identifier might have lexical information that designates it as the car from the racket/base language (i.e., the built-in car). Similarly, a lambda identifier’s lexical information may indicate that it represents a procedure form. Some other identifier’s lexical information may indicate that it references a top-level variable.

例如,标识符 car 可能会包含词法信息,这些信息是在内置的 racket/base 指定的。
类似的,lambda 标识符的词法信息中,可能指定了它是一个函数句型。

When a syntax object represents a more complex expression than an identifier or simple constant, its internal components can be extracted. Even for extracted identifiers, detailed information about binding is available mostly indirectly; two identifiers can be compared to determine whether they refer to the same binding (i.e., free-identifier=?), or whether the identifiers have the same scope set so that each identifier would bind the other if one were in a binding position and the other in an expression position (i.e., bound-identifier=?).



For example, when the program written as


(let ([x 5]) (+ x 6))

is represented as a syntax object, then two syntax objects can be extracted for the two xs. Both the free-identifier=? and bound-identifier=? predicates will indicate that the xs are the same. In contrast, the let identifier is not free-identifier=? or bound-identifier=? to either x.

可以被表示为语法对象,则每个 x 都会对应一个语法对象。
free-identifier=?bound-identifier=? 都会表明这两个 x 是相同的。
let 与这两个 x 都不相同。

The lexical information in a syntax object is independent of the rest of the syntax object, and it can be copied to a new syntax object in combination with an arbitrary other Racket value. Thus, identifier-binding information in a syntax object is predicated on the symbolic name of the identifier as well as the identifier’s lexical information; the same question with the same lexical information but different base value can produce a different answer.

但是,这些词法信息可以被复制出去,然后与 Racket 任意一个值的语法对象进行合并。

For example, combining the lexical information from let in the program above to 'x would not produce an identifier that is free-identifier=? to either x, since it does not appear in the scope of the x binding. Combining the lexical context of the 6 with 'x, in contrast, would produce an identifier that is bound-identifier=? to both xs.

例如,合并 let 中的词法信息到 'x 中,产生的新标识符,与任何 x 都不 free-identifier=?
因为它并没有在 x 的绑定中出现。

合并 6 的词法上下文给 'x,则会产生一个与两个 xbound-identifier=? 的标识符。

The quote-syntax form bridges the evaluation of a program and the representation of a program. Specifically, (quote-syntax datum #:local) produces a syntax object that preserves all of the lexical information that datum had when it was parsed as part of the quote-syntax form. Note that (quote-syntax datum) form is similar, but it removes certain scopes from the datum’s scope sets.

quote-syntax 句型建立了对程序进行求值,与表示一段代码之间的桥梁。
更确切的说,(quote-syntax datum #:local) 会创建一个语法对象,并保留 datum 被解析为 quote-syntax 句型时的所有的词法信息。
注意到,它与 (quote-syntax datum) 很相似,不过后者会从 datum 的作用域集中,移除某些作用域。

3. 宏展开(Expansion (Parsing))

Expansion recursively processes a syntax object in a particular phase level, starting with phase level 0. Bindings from the syntax object’s lexical information drive the expansion process, and cause new bindings to be introduced for the lexical information of sub-expressions. In some cases, a sub-expression is expanded in a deeper phase than the enclosing expression.

展开是某个阶段中,递归处理语法对象的过程,展开过程一般从第 0 阶段开始。

(1)程序的完全展开(Fully Expanded Programs)

A complete expansion produces a syntax object matching the following grammar:


top-level-form = general-top-level-form
               | (#%expression expr) 
               | (module id module-path
                    module-level-form ...))
               | (begin top-level-form ...)
               | (begin-for-syntax top-level-form ...)

module-level-form = general-top-level-form
                  | (#%provide raw-provide-spec ...)
                  | (begin-for-syntax module-level-form ...) 
                  | submodule-form 
                  | (#%declare declaration-keyword ...)

submodule-form = (module id module-path
                    module-level-form ...))
               | (module* id module-path 
                    module-level-form ...)) 
               | (module* id #f 
                   module-level-form ...))

general-top-level-form = expr
                       | (define-values (id ...) expr) 
                       | (define-syntaxes (id ...) expr) 
                       | (#%require raw-require-spec ...)

expr = id
     | (#%plain-lambda formals expr ...+) 
     | (case-lambda (formals expr ...+) ...) 
     | (if expr expr expr) | (begin expr ...+) 
     | (begin0 expr expr ...)
     | (let-values ([(id ...) expr] ...)
         expr ...+) 
     | (letrec-values ([(id ...) expr] ...)
         expr ...+) 
     | (set! id expr) 
     | (quote datum) 
     | (quote-syntax datum) 
     | (quote-syntax datum #:local) 
     | (with-continuation-mark expr expr expr) 
     | (#%plain-app expr ...+) 
     | (#%top . id) 
     | (#%variable-reference id) 
     | (#%variable-reference (#%top . id)) 
     | (#%variable-reference)

formals = (id ...)
        | (id ...+ . id) 
        | id

A fully-expanded syntax object corresponds to a parse of a program (i.e., a parsed program), and lexical information on its identifiers indicates the parse.


More specifically, the typesetting of identifiers in the above grammar is significant. For example, the second case for expr is a syntax-object list whose first element is an identifier, where the identifier’s lexical information specifies a binding to the #%plain-lambda of the racket/base language (i.e., the identifier is free-identifier=? to one whose binding is #%plain-lambda). In all cases, identifiers above typeset as syntactic-form names refer to the bindings defined in §3 “Syntactic Forms”.

例如,expr 的第二种情况,是一个语法对象列表,第一个元素的一个标识符,
该标识符的词法信息中,将它绑定到了 #%plain-lambda 上。(即,该标识符与其他绑定为 #%plain-lambda 的标识符是 free-identifier=? 的)。

In a fully expanded program for a namespace whose base phase is 0, the relevant phase level for a binding in the program is N if the bindings has N surrounding begin-for-syntax and define-syntaxes forms —— not counting any begin-for-syntax forms that wrap a module or module* form for the body of the module or module*, unless a module* form has #f in place of a module-path after the id. The datum in a quote-syntax form preserves its information for all phase levels.

完全展开后的程序中包含的第 0 阶段的名字空间,如果它的外层包含 Nbegin-for-syntaxdefine-syntaxes,则相关绑定的阶段为 N
不需要计算 modulemodule* 中的 begin-for-syntax,除非是 module*id 后面的 module-path 设置为了 #f

quote-syntax句型中的 datum 为所有阶段保存了词法信息。

A reference to a local binding in a fully expanded program has a scope set that matches its binding identifier exactly. Additional scopes, if any, are removed. As a result, bound-identifier=? can be used to correlate local binding identifiers with reference identifiers, while free-identifier=? must be used to relate references to module bindings or top-level bindings.

因此,bound-identifier=? 只能用于对比局部绑定的标识符和与它有相同引用的标识符。
free-identifier=? 则用于对比模块级绑定或顶层绑定。

In addition to the grammar above, #%expression can appear in a fully local-expanded expression position. For example, #%expression can appear in the result from local-expand when the stop list is empty. Reference-identifier scope sets are reduced in local-expanded expressions only when the local-expand stop list is empty.

除了上面的文法之外,#%expression 可以出现在所有局部完全展开后的表达式位置。
例如,#%expression 可以出现在 local-expand 的结果中(当结果为空时)。

(2)展开步骤(xpansion Steps)

In a recursive expansion, each single step in expanding a syntax object at a particular phase level depends on the immediate shape of the syntax object being expanded:


If it is an identifier (i.e., a syntax-object symbol), then a binding is determined by the identifier’s lexical information. If the identifier has a binding, that binding is used to continue. If the identifier is unbound, a new syntax-object symbol '#%top is created using the lexical information of the identifier; if this #%top identifier has no binding, then parsing fails with an exn:fail:syntax exception. Otherwise, the new identifier is combined with the original identifier in a new syntax-object pair (also using the same lexical information as the original identifier), and the #%top binding is used to continue.


如果标识符是未绑定的,则会创建一个新的语法对象符号 '#%top,并使用该标识符词法信息。
如果这个 #%top 标识符没有绑定,则解析过程会报错,抛出 exn:fail:syntax 异常。
否则,新标识符会与原标识符合并成一个新的语法对象,使用 #%top 这个绑定继续进行。

If it is a syntax-object pair whose first element is an identifier, and if the identifier has a binding other than as a top-level variable, then the identifier’s binding is used to continue.


If it is a syntax-object pair of any other form, then a new syntax-object symbol '#%app is created using the lexical information of the pair. If the resulting #%app identifier has no binding, parsing fails with an exn:fail:syntax exception. Otherwise, the new identifier is combined with the original pair to form a new syntax-object pair (also using the same lexical information as the original pair), and the #%app binding is used to continue.

如果是其他形式的一对语法对象,则会使用符号 '#%app 创建一个新的语法对象,并使用这对语法对象的词法信息。
如果 #%app 标识符是未绑定的,则解析过程会报错,抛出 exn:fail:syntax 异常。
否则,新标识符与原来的一对语法对象将合并成一个新的语法对象,使用 #%app 这个绑定继续进行。

If it is any other syntax object, then a new syntax-object symbol '#%datum is created using the lexical information of the original syntax object. If the resulting #%datum identifier has no binding, parsing fails with an exn:fail:syntax exception. Otherwise, the new identifier is combined with the original syntax object in a new syntax-object pair (using the same lexical information as the original pair), and the #%datum binding is used to continue.

如果是其他形式的语法对象,则会使用符号 '#%datum 创建一个新的语法对象,并使用原来语法对象的词法信息。
如果 #%datum 标识符是未绑定的,则解析过程会报错,抛出 exn:fail:syntax 异常。
否则,新标识符与原来的一对语法对象将合并成一个新的语法对象,使用 #%datum 这个绑定继续进行。

Thus, the possibilities that do not fail lead to an identifier with a particular binding. This binding refers to one of three things:


A transformer, such as introduced by define-syntax or let-syntax. If the associated value is a procedure of one argument, the procedure is called as a syntax transformer (described below), and parsing starts again with the syntax-object result. If the transformer binding is to any other kind of value, parsing fails with an exn:fail:syntax exception. The call to the syntax transformer is parameterized to set current-namespace to a namespace that shares bindings and variables with the namespace being used to expand, except that its base phase is one greater.

转换器,例如通过 define-syntaxlet-syntax 引入的标识符。
如果转换器绑定具有其他形式,解析过程会抛 exn:fail:syntax 异常。

A variable binding, such as introduced by a module-level define or by let. In this case, if the form being parsed is just an identifier, then it is parsed as a reference to the corresponding variable. If the form being parsed is a syntax-object pair, then an #%app is added to the front of the syntax-object pair in the same way as when the first item in the syntax-object pair is not an identifier (third case in the previous enumeration), and parsing continues.

变量绑定,例如通过模块级的 definelet 引入。
如果被解析的句型是一对语法对象,那么 #%app 会被添加到这一对语法对象前面,如果这对语法对象的一个元素不是一个标识符的话。

A core syntactic form, which is parsed as described for each form in §3 “Syntactic Forms”. Parsing a core syntactic form typically involves recursive parsing of sub-forms, and may introduce bindings that determine the parsing of sub-forms.


(3)展开上下文(Expansion Context)

Each expansion step occurs in a particular context, and transformers and core syntactic forms may expand differently for different contexts. For example, a module form is allowed only in a top-level context, and it fails in other contexts. The possible contexts are as follows:

例如,module 句型只能在顶层上下文中使用,在其他上下文中会报错。


top-level context : outside of any module, definition, or expression, except that sub-expressions of a top-level begin form are also expanded as top-level forms.

顶层 begin 的子表达式也位于顶层上下文中。

module-begin context : inside the body of a module, as the only form within the module.


module context : in the body of a module (inside the module-begin layer).


internal-definition context : in a nested context that allows both definitions and expressions.


expression context : in a context where only expressions are allowed.


Different core syntactic forms parse sub-forms using different contexts. For example, a let form always parses the right-hand expressions of a binding in an expression context, but it starts parsing the body in an internal-definition context.

例如,let 总是会在表达式上下文中解析它右边的表达式,但是在 let 中则会以内部定义上下文进行解析。

(4)引入绑定(Introducing Bindings)

Bindings are introduced during expansion when certain core syntactic forms are encountered:


When a require form is encountered at the top level or module level, each symbol specified by the form is paired with the scope set of the specification to introduce new bindings. If not otherwise indicated in the require form, bindings are introduced at the phase levels specified by the exporting modules: phase level 0 for each normal provide, phase level 1 for each for-syntax provide, and so on. The for-meta provide form allows exports at an arbitrary phase level (as long as a binding exists within the module at the phase level).

如果在顶层或模块级,遇到了一个 require,该句型中涉及到的每个符号连同作用域一起,会产生一个新绑定。
如果在 require 形式中没有指定的话,绑定阶段会由导出模块给出。
普通的 provide 指定为第 0 阶段,for-syntax provide 指定为第 1 阶段。
for-meta provide 允许导出一个任意阶段的绑定。

A for-syntax sub-form within require imports similarly, but the resulting bindings have a phase level that is one more than the exported phase levels, when exports for the label phase level are still imported at the label phase level. More generally, a for-meta sub-form within require imports with the specified phase level shift; if the specified shift is #f, or if for-label is used to import, then all bindings are imported into the label phase level.

require 中的 for-syntax 的导入方式类似,只是导入的绑定会比导出模块中定义的阶段更高一级。
更一般的,require 中的 for-meta 会按明确的偏移量进行导入,
如果偏移量指定为 #f,或者使用 for-label 导入,那么所有的绑定按标签指定的阶段导入。

When a define, define-values, define-syntax, or define-syntaxes form is encountered at the top level or module level, a binding is added phase level 0 (i.e., the base environment is extended) for each defined identifier.

如果在顶层或模块级,遇到了define define-values define-syntax define-syntaxes
则绑定被设置为第 0 阶段。

When a begin-for-syntax form is encountered at the top level or module level, bindings are introduced as for define-values and define-syntaxes, but at phase level 1 (i.e., the transformer environment is extended). More generally, begin-for-syntax forms can be nested, an each begin-for-syntax shifts its body definition by one phase level.

如果在顶层或模块级发现了 begin-for-syntax,引入的绑定就像 define-values define-syntaxes 一样,不过是位于第 1 阶段。
更一般的,begin-for-syntax 是支持嵌套的,每一层增加一个阶段。

When a let-values form is encountered, the body of the let-values form is extended (by creating new syntax objects) with a fresh scope. The scope is added to the identifiers themselves, so that the identifiers in binding position are bound-identifier=? to uses in the fully expanded form, and so they are not bound-identifier=? to other identifiers. The new bindings are at the phase level at which the let-values form is expanded.

当遇到 let-values 的时候,其内部会用一个新的作用域扩展(通过创造一个新的语法对象)。
作用域会被添加到标识符上,因此,该标识符与其完全展开后是 bound-identifier=? 的,但是与其他标识符不是 bound-identifier=? 的。
新的绑定与 let-values 位于同一个阶段。

When a letrec-values or letrec-syntaxes+values form is encountered, bindings are added as for let-values, except that the right-hand-side expressions are also extended with the new scope.

当遇到 letrec-valuesletrec-syntaxes+values 时,绑定方式与 let-values 类似,

Definitions in internal-definition contexts introduce new scopes and bindings as described in § “Internal Definitions”.

For example, in


(let-values ([(x) 10]) (+ x y))

the binding introduced for x applies to the x in the body, because a fresh scope is created and added to both the binding x and reference x. The same scope is added to the y, but since it has a different symbol than the binding x, it does not refer to the new binding. Any x outside of this let-values form does not receive the fresh scope and therefore does not refer to the new binding.

对第一个 x 的绑定可以应用于第二个 x,是因为一个新的作用域同时添加到了这两个 x 上。
同样的作用域也被添加到了 y 上,但是因为具有与 x 不同的符号,因此并不指向 x 的绑定。
任何 let-values 外的 x 并没有添加这个新作用域,因此也不会指向这个绑定。

(5)转换器绑定(Transformer Bindings)

In a top-level context or module context, when the expander encounters a define-syntaxes form, the binding that it introduces for the defined identifiers is a transformer binding. The value of the binding exists at expansion time, rather than run time (though the two times can overlap), though the binding itself is introduced with phase level 0 (i.e., in the base environment).

顶层上下文或模块上下文中,如果展开器遇到了一个 define-syntaxes,就会引入一个用于转换器的绑定。
这个绑定会存在于展开期,但是不存在于运行期,即使绑定本身是在第 0 阶段引入的。

The value for the binding is obtained by evaluating the expression in the define-syntaxes form. This expression must be expanded (i.e., parsed) before it can be evaluated, and it is expanded at phase level 1 (i.e., in the transformer environment) instead of phase level 0.

绑定的值是在求值 define-syntaxes 表达式时获得的。
该表达式在求值之前必须先进行展开,因此它位于第 1 阶段进行展开,而不是第 0 阶段。

If the resulting value is a procedure of one argument or the result of make-set!-transformer on a procedure, then it is used as a syntax transformer (a.k.a. macro). The procedure is expected to accept a syntax object and return a syntax object. A use of the binding (at phase level 0) triggers a call of the syntax transformer by the expander.

如果结果值是一个单参函数,或者是 make-set!-transformer 处理一个函数后的结果,那么它就会被用于进行语法转换(宏)。
位于第 0 阶段,对该绑定的调用,会由展开器出发一个语法转换。

Before the expander passes a syntax object to a transformer, the syntax object is extended with a fresh macro-introduction scope (that applies to all sub-syntax objects) to distinguish syntax objects at the macro’s use site from syntax objects that are introduced by the macro; in the result of the transformer the presence of the scope is flipped, so that introduced syntax objects retain the scope, and use-site syntax objects do not have it. In addition, if the use of a transformer is in the same definition context as its binding, the use-site syntax object is extended with an additional fresh use-site scope that is not flipped in the transformer’s result, so that only use-site syntax objects have the use-site scope.

在展开器将语法对象传给一个转换器之前,语法对象会先用为一个新的宏导入作用域(macro-introduction scope)扩展,

如果转换器与对它的绑定在同一个定义上下文中,则传入的语法对象会用一个工作用的作用域(use-site scope)扩展,并且不会传给结果。

The scope-introduction process for macro expansion helps keep binding in an expanded program consistent with the lexical structure of the source program. For example, the expanded form of the program


(define x 12)
(define-syntax m
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ id) (let ([x 10]) id)]))
(m x)



(define x 12)
(define-syntax m ....)
(let ([x 10]) x)

However, the result of the last expression is 12, not 10. The reason is that the transformer bound to m introduces the binding x, but the referencing x is present in the argument to the transformer. The introduced x is left with one fresh scope, while the reference x has a different fresh scope, so the binding x is not bound-identifier=? to the body x.

然而,最后一个表达式的值应该是 12,不能是 10
这是因为转换器 m 引入了新的绑定 x,但是对 x 的引用又是通过转换器的参数传入的。
x 的新绑定比后面作为引用出现的 x 作用域少一个,后者处于一个不同的新作用域中,因此,它们是不 bound-identifier=? 的。

A use-site scope on a binding identifier is ignored when the definition is in the same context where the use-site scope was introduced. This special treatment of use-site scopes allows a macro to expand to a visible definition. For example, the expanded form of the program

绑定中的工作用作用域(use-site scope)会被忽略掉,如果标识符的定义和引入工作用作用域的位置在同一个上下文中。


(define-syntax m
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ id) (define id 5)]))
(m x)



(define-syntax m ....)
(define x 5)

where the x in the define form has a use-site scope that is not present on the final x. The final x nevertheless refers to the definition, because the use-site scope is effectively removed before installing the definition’s binding. In contrast, the expansion of

define 中的 x 有一个工作用的作用域,但是最后那个 x 却没有。
最后那个 x 并不会指向上面那个定义,因为工作用的作用域会在展开后删掉。


(define-syntax m
  (syntax-rules () 
    [(_ id) (let ([x 4]) 
              (let ([id 5]) x))])) 
(m x)



(define-syntax m ....)
(let ([x 4])
  (let ([x 5]) 

where the second x has a use-site scope that prevents it from binding the final x. The use-site scope is not ignored in this case, because the binding is not part of the definition context where (m x) was expanded.

第二个 x 有一个工作用作用域,结果并不绑定到最后那个 x 上。
在这种情况下,工作用作用域并不会被忽略,因为在 (m x) 展开式,绑定并不位于定义上下文中。

The set! form works with the make-set!-transformer and prop:set!-transformer property to support assignment transformers that transform set! expressions. An assignment transformer contains a procedure that is applied by set! in the same way as a normal transformer by the expander.

set! 可以和 make-set!-transformer prop:set!-transformer 一起使用,支持赋值转换器用来转换 set! 表达式。
赋值转换器被用于 set!,就像其他的转换器那样。

The make-rename-transformer procedure or prop:rename-transformer property creates a value that is also handled specially by the expander and by set! as a transformer binding’s value. When id is bound to a rename transformer produced by make-rename-transformer, it is replaced with the target identifier passed to make-rename-transformer. In addition, as long as the target identifier does not have a true value for the 'not-free-identifier=? syntax property, the binding table is extended to indicate that id is an alias for the identifier in the rename transformer. The free-identifier=? function follows aliasing chains to determine equality of bindings, the identifier-binding function similarly follows aliasing chains, and the provide form exports id as the target identifier. Finally, the syntax-local-value function follows rename transformer chains even when binding aliases are not installed.

make-rename-transformer prop:rename-transformer 产生的值被展开器特殊处理了,使用了 set! 作为转换器。
id 通过 make-rename-transformer 绑定到一个重命名转换器(ename transformer)上时,
它会被替换为目标标识符,然后传给 make-rename-transformer,绑定表会被扩展,以表明 id 是该标识符的一个别名。
free-identifier=? 根据别名链来检测绑定的相等性,identifier-binding 在别名链后面,提供了 id 作为目标标识符。

In addition to using scopes to track introduced identifiers, the expander tracks the expansion history of a form through syntax properties such as 'origin.

除了使用作用域来跟踪标识符之外,展开器还会使用语法属性跟踪展开历史,例如 'origin

Finally, the expander uses a tamper status to control the way that unexported and protected module bindings are used. See §12.8 “Syntax Taints” for more information on a tamper status.


The expander’s handling of letrec-syntaxes+values is similar to its handling of define-syntaxes. A letrec-syntaxes+values can be expanded in an arbitrary phase level n (not just 0), in which case the expression for the transformer binding is expanded at phase level n+1.

扩展器处理 letrec-syntaxes+values 的过程跟 define-syntaxes 相似,
letrec-syntaxes+values 可以在任意阶段 n 被展开,此时这个阶段的转换器位于第 n+1 阶段。

The expressions in a begin-for-syntax form are expanded and evaluated in the same way as for define-syntaxes. However, any introduced bindings from definition within begin-for-syntax are at phase level 1 (not a transformer binding at phase level 0).

begin-for-syntax 中的表达式被展开和求值的方式与 define-syntaxes 相同,
只不过 begin-for-syntax 中引入的绑定位于第 1 阶段。

(6)Local Binding Context

(7)Partial Expansion

(8)Internal Definitions

(9)Module Expansion, Phases, and Visits

(10)Macro-Introduced Bindings

4. Compilation

5. Namespaces

6. Inferred Value Names

7. Cross-Phase Persistent Module Declarations


The Racket Reference v7.4.0.9

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