Creativity is the ability to creat the change.
So creativity is not just about new product, but also new service, new method, new habit and everything different from before for you, others, company or orgnization.
Do you have creativity? Yes, if you make any change.
Are you able to make any change? yes if you have the intention and mental energy to make the change.
Normally we don't have the enough mental energy to make the change. below steps to build up mental energy.
- start to be curious and have interest something different
- start from minor change, enjor the happies from minor change to encourage ownself to challenge more complext change
- make the creativity to be habit. self driven to make the change and enjory the change
Not all change are recgnized. Any change needs to be based on basic principle.of the field and recognize by leaders.
Action plan
- set attainable schedule
- observe and make minor change daily for work and own life
- record difference to recognize own ability improvemeny to develop own mental enery to keep making change
- not stop trial due to being afraid of bad result.