Over the last few decades, there’s been fundamentally 3 major changes that has affected education globally and will remain to do so. They are Digitalization 线上化+ Globalization 全球化+ Personalization 个性化. These trends have partly been due to the slowdown in major wars, rise of Internet (global information dissemination) and concurrently more open borders (which came first is debatable).
As a trifecta of modern society, they have a means of innovating education like never seen before. The digitalization of education has already broken the chain of command with the rise of MOOCs (Mass online open courses 线上公开课) and broken into classrooms with the concept of blended learning 混合式学习& virtual learning spaces. The future towards digitalization will not stop just here, but a whole string of digital competencies needs to be highlighted (as part of the basic education students get in this decade). Globalizing education has also taken form in the development of education exchange programs from ERASMUS to AIESEC and it has thus been said to have bridged over millions of students worldwide. More importantly, globalizing education means the importance of global competency which I mentioned previously through the PISA assessments by OECD. Finally, personalization of education has started to rise, due to the departure of mass employment of factories in the industrial age and a shift towards customization of products and services in today’s world. Look around and spot the e commerce companies that are rising to take over the once giant mammoths like Walmart & Foxconn. If you drill down at the specifics of these companies, what you’ll realize is that the number of employees comparatively has largely shrunk, representing a massive increase in productivity. And this productivity only came about due to the customized value & changes in business models of companies. What this represents is the importance of building up customized education to bring about the highest value output for the next generation as they’ll need to be evermore productive than our previous generation.
线上化、全球化和个性化融合的两大代表:Minerva & Think Global School.
I believe that in the near future, an integration of the 3 of these factors will become absolutely disruptive. Take for instance the combination of digitalization and globalization together, this could come in the form of overseas exchanges into blended learning environments or online e-learning globally. Minerva KGI has taken a step ahead of the pack by preparing students to be digitally equip in a global environment, rotating across multiple campuses & connecting students more into the real line of work in the global workplace (where they have to work in international teams to deal with local issues). Another example comes more towards personalization & globalization through schools such as Think Global School which takes a class of 20+ students to live in different countries around the world during their high school in a fully immersive learning environment. It is innovations like these that are truly shaping up the world’s education base and we should be watching keenly the next innovators in education in the coming years. Until next time!
Questions to think about:
1. 你觉得未来在创新教育当中会有什么不一样的趋势?
2. 你对这些趋势的理解是什么?
3. 在于以上的趋势,你是否认同这个趋势的分析?
For more info about the aforementioned programs, please see the following links, Eramus (European based) http://www.erasmusprogramme.com AIESEC (International Student Exchanges): https://aiesec.org, Think Global School: https://thinkglobalschool.org, Minverva KGI: https://www.minerva.kgi.edu