而Brandon Stanton,这位从来没有学习过专业摄影,却抱着相机在街头奔走6年的“摄影师”,每天要做的就是穿街过巷随便找其中的6、7个陌生人聊人生。每次成功的靠近,Stanton就会用一句最无趣又最保险的话作开场白:“你好,我能给你拍张照吗?”而接下来他拍的任何一张照片,和任何一段对话,都有可能治愈全世界超过1500万人的一天。
“I got cancer in the summer when the pools were opening. And I really wanted to go swimming but I couldn’t leave the hospital. I begged her not to go swimming without me. And she didn’t because I couldn’t.”
“I got arrested in 2009 for protesting army recruitment. Then I got arrested in 2011 for protesting foreclosures after Hurricane Sandy. And I’m about to get arrested again, because on May 14th we’re going to Albany to protest fossil fuels.”
“She taught me how to dance. We actually met at a graduation party. I was the only one not on the dance floor, and her friend bet her that she couldn’t get me to dance. I’d already said ‘no’ to ten girls, but she talked me into it. We were together 55 years. She died eight years ago, but I still dance every day.”
“I’m trying to help my parents pay for college.”
“I distribute newspapers. I only planned on working for a few months after I graduated high school, but that turned into three years. I don’t want to be stuck in a dead end job my whole life. I should go to college. I just have a hard time following through. The moment any little thing goes wrong, I just put it off. I don’t know, maybe I’m depressed. When I was a kid, I’d stay up all night messing with software. I’d download a program, change the source code, and try to run it. I just wanted to see what would happen. If it didn’t work, I’d keep trying. I loved it. It was fun. Sometimes I’d stay up all night. Recently I tried to do it again, but nothing felt fun anymore. Everything just feels like work.”
“I’ve been fixing watches in this chair for almost sixty years. It required a lot more skill in the old days. Now I pretty much just replace batteries.”
“I’m 66, but I bike 55 kilometers every day. I don’t get much from my pension, so I ride along this road and pick up metal scraps to bring to the collection center. I ride my bike everywhere. A few months ago, I rode 170 kilometers to visit my daughter. I left at noon and got there before dark. I wasn’t even rushing!”