Today, my manager said I could go on a break when he came back from his. After 7 hours with him still missing, I started to get dizzy. I ended up passing out and hitting my head on a ladder from lack of food. I woke up in the hospital to a card from my manager saying, "Get Well. Don't Sue." FML
Today, myself and a co-worker had an aisle blocked because we were arranging new merchandise. A lady plowed her way through, scattering our work everywhere. She then yelled that we were lazy for having an aisle blocked and stormed off. FML
Today, I had a chemistry midterm. There were 15 math problems, but no matter how many times I pressed the "On" button of my calculator, it wouldn't turn on. There were no spare calculators. Later, I tried to show my friend that my calculator wouldn't turn on. I pressed the button. It turned on. FML
上化学课,需要用到计算器,但是我的当时不知道怎么了,就是没法启动,然后我就想跟我的朋友吐槽一下,“我这个破计算器,怎么都启动不了了”,然后华丽丽的看到我按下启动按钮之后计算器启动了,我哥们跟看煞笔一样看着我。 FML
Today, I was laid off from the job I'd had for two years. They couldn't even manage to spell my name or the company's name right on the severance letter. Guess I was a memorable employee. FML
Today, when paying for gas, I realized I'd forgotten my wallet back home. After a moment of panic, I managed to remember my card number. I paid, blowing the cute cashier's mind, and drove away, before my car started sputtering and slowed to a crawl. I'd used the wrong fuel. FML
Today, I'm recovering from a urinary tract infection. The infection made me have to pee constantly. Now the antibiotics I'm taking for it are giving me the shits instead. FML