都说好的开始是成功的一半,很多人觉得pre难以开头,所以难以开口,其实啊,只是不懂其中一些固定的套路。我们只要明白pre开头需要达到的目的和记住一些固定的句式句型,然后把每次不同内容套路进相同的格式中,你会发现pre开头so easy哦!
Step1, 首先pre需要一个基本的破冰问候
Thank you for....感想您为我做.... 的句型就很实用
Eg, Thank you for being here with us today; Thank you for inviting me to this meeting; Thank you for giving me this opportunity to attend this activity.
或者试试用下这个句型:It is a great honor to...
Step2, 这个时候来个自我介绍不过分吧
Eg, I am in charge of R&D; I am responsible for invoicing customers; I am the HR manager for...
The purpose of my presentation is to 我pre的目的在于...的句型简直万能
Eg, the purpose of presentation is to introduce our brand-new product
什么,嫌弃以上句型不够高级,那么可以试试 The topic of my pre today is to..
My pre consist of 我的pre将包括....
Eg, My pre consist of three parts/ an overview of consumption trends
The outline of my pre includes...
My presentation can be divided into...
Step5, 请给你的听众画个大饼,对演讲的预期效果小说明一下,可以使听众更加集中注意力哦!
This pre will help you...此次演讲将帮助你...
Step6, 可以的话,再估算一个大致时间,毕竟现代人都比较忙嘛
I will speak for 10min/half an hour...我将占用大家10分钟...
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for invite me to give the speech, my name is XX, and I am in charge of developing the company's long term strategies. The purpose of my speech is to introduce you to a business plan for the next year. My speech consists of three parts and will help you know more about our company. I will speak for about 15mins.
我是Weiqin,喜欢麻烦点个赞,大家新年英语up up up 哟