【规格】直径25.3mm 厚1.2mm 重3.7克/直径25.5mm 厚1.3mm 重4.3克
乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年),背面的满文比较复杂,上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片。乾隆通宝钱直径约25毫米,重约3g。钱面文字"乾隆通宝"以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读,钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名,币种与不同时期形状与大小也有不同。
道光通宝铸于清宣宗道光年间(1821-1850年),历经无穷岁月的洗礼,钱币表面有轻微磨损,但不影响其整体美感,反而多了一分历史沧桑感,历史沉淀丰富,过渡性自然,历史价值深厚。藏品为方孔圆钱,边廓略宽,色泽素雅,包浆醇厚,锈色古旧;钱币正面楷书“道光通宝”四字,上下右左分列其中,钱文端庄大气,字体深邃挺拔,横直竖 立,遒劲有力,书法艺术价值颇高,值得收藏。
Qianlong Tongbao was the currency of circulation during the Qianlong period. During the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, the Emperor’s strategy of managing the country’s “Wenzhi martial arts” was created, and the last glorious life in the feudal society was created. Afterwards, the folks rumored to wear the “Qianlong Tongbao” copper money to drive the disaster. Evil spirits, and because of Qianlong's two-character homonym "Qianlong", they are favored by the collectors of later generations. The coin was cast in the Qing Emperor Qianlong's reign (1736-1795), and the Manchu on the back is more complicated. There are very detailed prices and coin rubbings. Qianlong Tongbao has a diameter of about 25 mm and weighs about 3g. The money face text "Qianlong Tongbao" is written in the script, and the words read directly from top to bottom and right and left. The text of the back of the money has the word "Bao" on the left side of the perforation of the Yongzheng Manwen style, and the name of each bureau is cast on the right side of the perforation. The currency and shape and size are different in different periods.
Daoguang Tongbao was cast in the Qing Emperor Xuanzong Daoguang Period (1821-1850). After the baptism of the infinite years, the surface of the coins was slightly worn, but it did not affect its overall beauty. Instead, it was a historical sensation, rich in history and transitional nature. The historical value is profound. The collection is square hole round money, the side profile is slightly wide, the color is elegant, the patina is mellow, the rust color is old; the coin is the front of the book "Daoguang Tongbao", which is divided into upper and lower right and left, Qian Wen dazhuang atmosphere, the font is deep and straight, vertical and vertical Strong and powerful, the art of calligraphy is of high value and worthy of collection.