母女共读笔记1: 《每一个灵魂是一颗星星》 (中英双语)

母女共读笔记1: 《每一个灵魂是一颗星星》

题记:我家的正纯小姐(Isabelle)喜欢读书,经常一本书读好多遍。为了让她从书里学到东西,而不仅仅是消遣享受,我们偶尔要求她写写读书笔记。遇到不错的童书,我也会读,也写读书笔记。于是就有了母女共读的笔记。我们各自用英文写下读书笔记,我把它们译成中文。想来这也是把英文书介绍给中国读者的机会,所以以中英双语的形式分享在这里。其实,应该让正纯自己翻译成中文,但是她最近学习有些忙,特别是中文课作业比较多,暂时由我替她翻译。我们介绍的第一本书叫做《每一个灵魂是一颗星星》,作者温迪·曼斯 (Wendy Mass), 2008年出版。这本书还拍成电影了哦!

Isabelle: Wendy Mass’s Every Soul A Star

This book is about a boy named Jack, a girl named Bree and another girl named Ally.

Let’s talk about Jack. He’s funny, nice, and likes to draw. He also has a tree house in his yard. He has a brother named Mike. He’s in summer camp for science because in science class, he sat at the back of the classroom and he drew in his notebook and didn’t pay attention to his science teacher. In summer camp, he is the assistant of Mr. Silver. Meanwhile, Jack likes to use his imagination to fly, but he ends up in situations he never thought he would end up in.

Bree is fashionable, pretty, and loves makeup. She hates being ‘out-of-place,’ and she hates it when she has to leave everything she likes. But when she experiences the solar eclipse, she finds herself liking it. She is also helpful when it comes to ideas. Plus, she’s also very friendly. She has a sister named Meline.

Ally is FANTASTIC at stars. She loves stargazing, stars and all the things that have to do with stars. She has a brother named Kenny. Ally isn’t like Bree, but she’s pretty too. Unlike some people, she also doesn’t mind not having the comforts likeTVs, Wi-Fi, and toys. (Well, probably she doesn’t want toys since she’s thirteen.)

I love how the author wrote the story. Even though there aren’t any pictures, you can picture them in your mind. I also like how the author made the details. It feels like the characters are going to pop out of the book!

This book is totally wonderful. Although there are a lot of characters, the main ones are Jack, Ally and Bree. Join them as they look at the beauty of the stars, monitor an exoplanet (a planet around a star other than our sun), and, best of all, encounter an eclipse!!!

This book has lots of details and has lots of BIG words. I hope that other people will enjoy the glory of this book and the universe.




柏芮时尚、漂亮,喜欢化妆。她讨厌“不合时宜”, 她讨厌必须离开她喜欢的东西。但是,当她经历日食时,她发现自己喜欢它。她很会帮人出主意。还有,她很友好。她有一个妹妹,叫美玲。

艾丽在星星方面超级赞。她喜欢观星,星星,还有所有与星星有关的事。她有个弟弟,叫科尼。艾丽和柏芮不像,但是她也漂亮。跟很多人不一样,她不介意没有一些舒适条件,比如电视,Wi-Fi 与玩具。(呃,她大概不想要玩具了,因为她已经13岁了。)




Xiucai: Wendy Mass’s Every Soul A Star

This book Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass comes to us because of the recent total solar eclipse that we witnessed here on August 21th, 2017. When I looked for books that can inspire Isabelle’s interest in this rare astronomical phenomenon, the book Every Soul A Star came into my sight.The book tells a story that three kids from different walks of life cross each other’s paths on a camp site during a total eclipse. After Isabelle read this book, she recommended it to me and I read it too. Interestingly, the total eclipse that we experienced is mentioned in this book as the thing that Wendy Mass wants her readers to look forward to after they finish her book. It seems like we were in a circle with the past through the book. By the way, the book does tell us that our current and the past are in a circle. If we have a telescope that is powerful enough, we can see through many light years and look into the past, the beginning of the cosmos. The NASA is creating such a powerful telescope and it will be launched into space next year in 2018. Isn’t that fascinating?

In the book, all of the three teenager kids have their particular troubles which are so different from each other. Ally is so embedded in the world of the isolated campsite that she is frightened by the fact that her family will move back to the urban society after the eclipse; Jack is tortured on the inside by the fact of not having a father and unwilling to interact with other people; Bree is obsessed with her status of being the most stylish and admirable girl in her circle and she carefully manages herself to avoid its loss. The three kids’ experience of the total solar eclipse on the campsite and the friendship they are building help them overcome their own obsessions and fears and become rounder persons.

Ally, Jack and Bree are so different from each other, but their strikingly different obsessions address one big issue for teenagers: what is cool that we should pursue with our energy? Each of the three kids is cool in their own way. Ally owns so much astronomical knowledge that she can be the best stargazing guide for all the visitors. Jack can ‘fly’ and he has talent in art that nobody knows. Bree is the most popular and admirable kid in her school. So in your opinion, who is the coolest among the three kids? The kid inside of me identifies with Jack and admires Ally.

Jack has the ability to fly, that is, to have lucid dream. Wendy Mass tells in the final notes that Dr. Stephen LaBerge taught her how to fly. I found some of Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s interview on youtube.com. According to him, lucid dream is dreaming when you know it’s a dream. Because you know it’s a dream, you can control yourself and do what you can’t do in reality. One can transcend the physical obstacle and do impossible things, like passing through a wall without bumping yourself into it or flying over a long distance in a glimpse of eye. It’s just like possessing a form of super power which gives you freedom of action. I had experience that, in some dreams, I found out I was in dream through logical reasoning but I chose to stay in it because I wanted to. Although I knew it was not the world I would have when I woke up. By dreaming, my unfulfilled desire was satisfied. The dream world is just like a horizontal world which is other than the reality but as fascinating and important to me.

Although I feel closer to Jack, but I find Ally really cool. She knows so much about the stars and the outer space! In my perspective, knowing the outlandish matter which is unfamiliar to most of people is really cool. Although the more widespread notion of cool is being the most popular person in your circle, just like what Bree have believed in. What do you think is cool?

In the story, Bree is the one who experienced a change of identity: After the eclipse, she changes to be interested in astronomy and care less about clothes and fashion. The beauty of the outer space helps her overcome her narrow-mindedness. Surely, the final destiny of the earth and the solar system conveys a sense of temporariness of our world which makes the norms of oursociety that we follow carefully somewhat trivial. Ally tells us that sun is expanding and will swallow our earth some day; meanwhile the whole solar system is traveling in a high speed (19 kilometers a second) toward the star Vega in the Great Triangle (or called Summer Triangle), which is the triangle formed by the three brightest stars in the summer sky. This may mean that all the substance in our world will join the stars in the sky and become new forms of celestial existence in the future. I’m curious, if our souls are permanent, will the kindred souls attract to each other as elements with magnetic force and combine to be a new form of lives, or stars?

Such sentiment like the book title “every soul is a star” may sound unrealistic, but our human beings always treat the stars in the sky more than stars. You know, according to the western Zodiacs, I’m a Sagittarius, a type of person who is impatient and fast acting, and Isabelle, you’re a Pisces, a type of person who is mild-tempered and likes dreaming. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are ecliptic constellations in the sky. In the ancient times, people of different cultures developed myths based on observation of the shared sky of stars. The three stars in the Summer Triangle, whose names are Vega, Deneb and Altair, belong to three different constellations, that is, Aquila, Cygnus and Lyra. Actually, these are Latin words for eagle, swan, and lyre (a music instrument) respectively. A Greek myth about the swan and eagle goes like this: the great god Zeus is disguised as a swan in order to seduce a goddess named Nemesis and the goddess rescues the swan while it is chased by an eagle, which actually belongs to Zeus and is helping Zeus seduce Nemesis. You know what, there is also a famous Chinese myth about the stars in the Summer Triangle. In the Chinese story, Vega wad a Weaver Girl and Altair a Cowherd. The Weaver Girl, a goddess and the granddaughter of Heavenly Emperor, falls in love with a human boy the Cowherd and stayed in the human world to marry him and raise two kids with him. But she is called back to Heaven by Heavenly Emperor and only allowed to meet with her husband and kids on the Seventh day of the Seventh Month every year. This is also the time when these three stars of the Summer Triangle are most visible in the sky. In Chinese culture, the Seventh Day of the Seventh Month is called qixi 七夕 and taken as the Lovers Day. So your Dad is supposed to give presents to Mom on that day to celebrate our union as a couple.;)

Before this book, I didn’t know about the Summer Triangle and its relation with our qixi. When I became curious of what was mentioned about it in the story, I did some extra research. This is how I expanded my knowledge starting from this book. Isabelle, thanks for recommending the story to me and introducing me to more knowledge!





杰克可以飞,这是说他能做清晰的梦。温迪·曼斯在后记里提到斯蒂文斯·拉伯格(Stephen LaBerge)博士教会她飞。我在Youtube上看到一些拉伯格博士的采访。他说,清晰的梦是当你知道这是梦而做梦。因为你知道这是梦,你可以控制自己,做你在现实中不能做的事。一个人可以克服物理障碍,做不可能的事,像穿墙而过,或者瞬间飞到远处。这就像拥有超能力,而具备行动自由。我有类似经历,在一些梦中,我通过逻辑推理明白自己是在做梦,但是我选择留在其中,因为我愿意。即使我明白这不是我醒来身处的世界。通过做梦,我未竟的欲望得到满足。梦境就像不同于现实的平行世界,但是它对我来说同样迷人与重要。



这种如书的题目“每个灵魂是一个星星”一样的感想听起来不切实际,但是我们人类总是把星星不仅仅看作星星。你知道,根据星座学,我是射手座,是缺乏耐心,行动快速的人;而Isabelle,你是双鱼座,是性格温和,喜欢做梦的人。而射手座和双鱼座都是天上的黄道星座。在古代,不同文化的人们根据对同一片星空的观察各自发展出了神话。夏季大三角中的三个星星,Vega, Deneb和Altair它们分属于三个星座,它们是Aquila, Cygnus and Lyra。实际上,这些是拉丁词语,它们的意思分别是鹰,天鹅与竖琴。关于鹰与天鹅的希腊神话是这样的:天神宙斯为了引诱女神涅墨西斯装扮成一只天鹅,让他自己的鹰假装追击天鹅,女神在营救了天鹅之后才发现自己中了宙斯的圈套。你知道吗,这个夏季大三角的星星也有著名的中国神话。在中国故事里,Vega是织女,Altair是牛郎。织女是仙女,天帝的孙女,她爱上了凡人牛郎,决定留在人间嫁给他,并和他养育了两个孩子。但是她被天帝召回天上,只允许每年7月7日与她的丈夫与孩子相聚。这个日子也是夏季大三角在天上最容易辨认的时候。于是在中国文化里,七月七日被称作七夕,是中国的情人节。所以在这一天,你的爸爸应该送妈妈礼物,以庆祝我们的结合。


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