EEDI: Energy Efficiency Design Index, developed in 2013
EEXI and CII: Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index and Carbon Intensity Indicator, developed in 2021 (entering into force in 2023)
SEEMP:Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan(船舶能效管理计划)
1、400总吨以上的船舶,需要编制SEEMP Part I,签发IEE证书;(2013年实现)
2、5000总吨以上的船舶,需要分别编制SEEMP Part II(船舶燃油消耗数据收集计划)和SEEMP Part III(船舶营运碳强度计划),并由船旗国或船级社分别签发COC证书;(Part II 2019年1月1日前实现,Part III 2023年1月1日前实现。)
3、船旗国或船级社,基于上述两个COC和收集到的船舶上一年度相关数据,签发有效期一年的SOC(Statement of Compliance-Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting and Operational Carbon Intensity Rating),新的SOC应包括SEEMP Part II和Part III两部分内容,证书格式如下:
2021年6月10日至17日以远程视频会议方式召开的MEPC 76会议,通过了MARPOL附则VI修正案,对SEEMP提出了新的要求,即对于5000总吨及以上且属于本附则规定的一种或多种类别的船舶:
1 用于计算船舶达到的年度营运碳强度指标(CII)的方法和用于向船舶主管机关报告该值的过程的描述;
3 记录如何在未来三年达到要求的年度营运CII的实施计划;和
4 自我评估和改进程序。
SEEMP Part III旨在帮助船东达到所要求的CII。这是一份动态化的文件,需要定期更新和修订,以反映不断变化的船舶排放性能及所需采取的措施。
Redolution MEPC.304(72) The initial Carbon Intensity of international shipping to decline IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships contains levels of ambition, the second of which is:
Carbon intensity of international shipping to decline
To reduce emissions per transport work, as an average across international shipping, by at least 40% by 2023, pursuing efforts towards 70% by 2050, compared to 2008.
Carbon intensity is defined as emissions per tranport work.
CII: Operational carbon intensity indicator, in order to distinguish it from EEDI and EEXI which are technical indices calculated using fixed design parameters.
Demand-based CII which is calculated based on the variable actual or estimated mass or volume of cargo carried on board.
Supply-based CII where the fixed capacity of the ship (in DWT or GT) is taken as a proxy of the actual mass or volume of cargo.
Since cargo mass is not reported to the IMO, nor to public databases, reliable baselines of demand-based CII may not be derived, therefore the IMO uses supply-based CII in its regulation.
CII metrics
-EEPI Energy Efficiency Performance Indicator
-EEOI Energy Efficiency Operation Indicator
CII 对船舶意味着什么?
自 2019 年以来,IMO根据自己制定的船舶燃油消耗数据收集系统(DCS)收集各个船舶的燃料消耗、航行距离和航行小时数据。然后,IMO根据这些数据把船舶分成A、B、C、D、E的 5个等级,其中A级最为环保,污染最严重的获E 等级。当前的要求是:A、B、C属于满足要求,D、E将被视为不合规。如果一艘船的CII评级为E或者连续三年评级为D,则该船舶公司将被要求制定纠正计划并提交修订后的SEEMP。
IMO: EEXI and CII - ship carbon intensity and rating system
IMO: Improving the energy efficiency of ships
IMO: Carbon Intensity Indicator explained in video series【这篇文章里有5个视频介绍了CII】