log 用来输出日志信息。所以 iOS 项目中中的NSLog 也是非常之多。你们项目中肯定有这种代码
#ifdef DEBUG
# define NSLog(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__)
# define NSLog(...)
让log 只在DEBUG 状态下有效。
如果只是NSLog 是不是可以单开一个线程,把NSLog 放在非主线程的线程操作会好一点???
感谢评论中的同学提醒 <code>CocoaLumberjack</code> 看了看git上的文档才明白NSLog 为什么会引起性能为题?
通过阅读Lumberjack性能相关,了解了一下,Lumberjack 在log方面性能的优化:
- 使用GCD, 使用GCD可以并发的写LOG,即使系统不支持GCD 也可以使用多线程手段,合理的使用CPU
- 异步的显示LOG信息。(显示log信息的原理很简单:如果是错误信息,就同步显示,如果只是简单的提示,就可以异步的显示)。
- 为什么NSLog 会很慢。。原因如下:直接帖英文了我就
A Better NSLog
The simple truth is that NSLog is just plain slow.
But why? To answer that question, let's find out what NSLog does, and then how it does it.
What does NSLog do exactly?
NSLog does 2 things:
1. It writes log messages to the Apple System Logging (asl) facility. This allows log messages to show up in Console.app.
2. It also checks to see if the application's stderr stream is going to a terminal (such as when the application is being run via Xcode). If so it writes the log message to stderr (so that it shows up in the Xcode console).
Writing to STDERR doesn't sound difficult. That can be accomplished with fprintf and the stderr file descriptor reference. But what about asl?
The best documentation I've found about ASL is a 10 part blog post from Peter Hosey: link
Without going into too much detail, the highlight (as it concerns performance) is this:
To send a log message to the ASL facility, you basically open a client connection to the ASL daemon and send the message. BUT - each thread must use a separate client connection. So, to be thread safe, every time NSLog is called it opens a new asl client connection, sends the message, and then closes the connection. (1)
The lumberjack framework avoids much of the cost by creating a single re-usable asl client connection for its background logging thread.
^1 - Assuming that NSLog acts like its open-source cousin CFShow.
所以关于NSLog 为什么慢
- NSLog,要写信息到 ASL(Apple System Logging),这样子log信息才会显示到Console.app.
- 它还检查应用程序的stderr流是否进入终端
- 要向ASL工具发送日志消息,您基本上打开与ASL守护程序的客户端连接并发送消息。但是 - 每个线程必须使用单独的客户端连接。所以,要线程安全,每次NSLog被调用时,它将打开一个新的asl客户端连接,发送消息,然后关闭连接。
iConsole 可以通过pod 或者 拉源码的方式到项目中,实现的大概原理是:使用一个 UITextView 来记录项目中的log.每次可以这样子使用
[iConsole log:@"some message"];
内部会把 some message 显示在 UITextView 上,并且加上回车符。看起来像个控制台。而且可以通过手势调出。方便。
.如果NSLog 只是为了在调试阶段观察值,那大可不要NSLog
要观察某个值,下断点,并且通过LLDB 输入某个值
p po 命令。
当然,lldb 也可以临时改变值。比如:
(lldb) e a = 200;
(int) $0 = 200
当然也可以修改背景色什么的。lldb 是个万能包,
(lldb) e self.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
(UICachedDeviceRGBColor *) $1 = 0x000000017446bb00
如果没有特殊需求,建议使用lldb解决log 以及测试代码。毕竟log也是测试的一部分,不用全局入侵代码。