I want to write more. So I start to write now.
I think Pour is a good teacher, and I like he more.because he let our tlak more sentence. If its woring and he tell us what is right.He gave us more convisation about the class object.
today I said :"my Englis is more good of late" and he said :"my english is better of late".
And the other object is make a sentence, it have noun, verb, abj and three 副词(I don't know how to spell, I think it is difficult. Also he gave us a example. Ok .everyone not doing better. and Power change every sentence to be right. and I not take my classbook, so he give me a little punishment. haha, I left a little late, because a student had a question, I need to listen that. I listent that but I don't konw that mean.
It was a good class.
And I think I'm wrong about my teachers name.
sorry my teacher.