

1-5:I am bummed (out) that ... 我很不开心,I will ditch you/the park 离开你/公园,the food hit the spot 食物让我很痛快(满足),big guns 大佬,quarterback the team/project 领导团队、项目,I am broke 我没钱了,the musicals are lame 音乐剧很无聊,a lame excuse 牵强的借口,my computer / knee is shot 坏了、受伤了,my day is shot 一整天都毁了,the damage for renting is pretty bad / not bad, (费用)花费很贵/不贵,

6-10: He/It is a drag 很无聊的人/事,He/It is a trip 与众不同, choke (on) 失败,sb./sth. is money 非常棒,hang out 等一小会/一起玩,He is hard-headed 坚定顽固的、理性的,pull an all-nighter 熬通宵,I like to cram/ cramming 填鸭式抱佛脚,drained (体力/情绪)非常累的,wired 兴奋的精力充沛的;wired into the discussion 参与了讨论,

11-15: kick back 放松,kickback sb. 贿赂某人,such a one track mind 脑袋里老只想一件事,get/be kicked off 生气,a close call 侥幸脱险(具体或抽象),keep cool 保持冷静, screw up (sth.)搞砸,pig out 大吃特吃,a bigmouth 爱讲话的大嘴巴,what's up 询问怎么了或者最近如何,a no brainer 毫不费力的事/决定,

16-20: goof off 无所事事的,hit the sack 上床睡觉,bum 借(纸巾等不用归还的),a turn-off 让人讨厌的地方,a lucky break 未预料的好运,mellow 平静的(物,人),neat 注意/概念很好,sharp 聪明,jerk 讨厌鬼,street smart 很有生存能力(艰难环境/大城市)

21-25 a hit 最受欢迎的人/物,let's roll 我们走吧,couch potato 懒人,you are nuts  疯狂的,bombed my test 考砸了 the movie bombed 电影砸了不上座,mess up sth. 搞砸弄坏了,

26-30: ace (考试面试等)...做得很好,that's peanuts. 太少了价值太低了,to bug 烦扰,play hooky 翘课/班,snap at 因生气对..喊叫

Six minutes English

1.does this lower educational standards?降低教育水平吗? It’s time to wrap up收尾结束,rusty技能生疏的

2. we are full to capacity in our house我们家满员了,feeling the pinch 手头拮据,driveway 停车位, holiday makers 度假者, make a few pennies 挣外快,out of pocket 亏本, thriving 蓬勃发展,source of income 收入来源;

3. He is a big name大腕,vandalisim破坏行为.

4.They might feel stuck in a rut 墨守成规一成不变,stave off (避免,延缓) the boredom 打发无聊,under-occupied 无所事事的,Boredom spurs people on to change something 激励人们改变,

5.nod off打盹,wide awake清醒的,insomniac失眠者,power nap恢复精力的小睡,counter-cultural与文化冲突的,prevailing work ethic 盛行的职业道德,the style is a passing fad一时的狂热/昙花一现

6. stock up on fruit 储存囤积水果,landfill sites垃圾填埋场,A staggering figure惊人的数据,fresh produce生鲜农产品,one trail project一项试验项目,

7. giving people a helping hand in learning a language帮助人们学英语,launched a brand new English course 开发全新课程,might be a big help to you可能对你有帮助,get a better grasp of English更好地了解英语

8. confectionary [U] 糖果甜食

9. an extended period of time长期,the vapor is inhaled by the smoker蒸汽被吸入,raise the issue of/about提出问题,

10. Does he have honorable intentions?高尚动机,they keep their identity closely-guarded身份保密,

11. tuck into a juicy steak,大吃牛排,munch on咀嚼 a hamburger,there is a surge激增,carnivore 食肉动物

12.dystopian反乌托邦的,utopia理想国,plausible 可信可行的,rally around something that they want to do团结做事,invisibility cloaks隐身斗篷,Time will tell 时间会告诉我们答案

13.savvy means well-informed and quite shrewd精明的,people are suspicious of these things 人们会觉得可疑

14.laughing can be no laughing matter.不是闹着玩的,That’s more like it 这才像话,这才说得过去,you had the last laugh 你赢了

15.this year marks the centenary百年,unofficial truce非官方休战,A carol is a happy song with a religious element 圣歌含有宗教元素,fraternal友好的 fraternize友好,

16.artefacts人工制品,on their intended date在预定日期

17.traumatized ['traʊməˌtaɪzd] 精神受伤的,aggression is part of human nature 侵略是人性,big strong men impose their will by force 强壮的人把意志付诸武力,carcass cn. 尸体残骸,perpetrator [ˈpɜ:pətreɪtə(r)] 犯罪者/恶人,stigma 耻辱/ 污名,

18.respiratory infections 呼吸道感染,cause some conflict 导致冲突,breach the law at their own peril 违反法律,自负后果

19.a de-skilling effect 能力退化效应,take a broad perspective 采取广阔的视角,computer crashes 电脑死机停止工作

20. Your name has just slipped my mind你名字我一下子想不起来了,there are some milestones in speech development 言语发展中有里程碑

21. hiring managers人事部经理面试官, Jobseekers are looking for work. The Video went viral 火了,you’ve got to stand out 突出自我,and get your strengths across 使优势清晰,

22.the last wilderness 最后的荒地,penguins aside 除了企鹅,defend a cause捍卫某件事,a constituency 支持者,pragmatic实用的,

23. at any cost不惜代价, will AI have a moral compass?AI有道德观吗?You'll need your wits about you 集中智慧,to surpass 超过

24. The price has escalated 价格上涨,immunise children 使儿童免疫,They're asking for more transparency around prices. 要求更透明公开的价格,to verify means to comfirm 验证指证实,at a substantial discount 大量的折扣,it must cost a fortune 花大价钱,out of proportion 不成比例地

25.a good standard of living 好的生活水平,reverse the situation/trend 扭转局面趋势,They can be lifted out of poverty.脱离贫困,fulfilling令人满足的

26.controversial figure 争议人物,skate over the issues 一笔带过问题,He is flawed有缺陷的,

27.we are advised to learn them by heart 被建议把他们背下来,The technology is still having teething problems科技仍有起步期的问题

28.They imposed or brought in this ban.实施或引入这个禁令

29.A pioneering technique, in other words, a technique never used before, has been developed by scientists 开创性技术,换句话说,未用过的技术已经被发明出来。mind-boggling 令人难以置信的,The UK approve laws allowing the creation of babies. UK批准法律,They fear we're going  to mess with nature 我们扰乱自然

30.I like sitting catching some rays 晒太阳,general knowledge 常识知识,that’s probably curtains for us 我们要完蛋了,sunscreen 防晒霜

31. a skinny latte 脱脂拿铁,make waves 引起波动轰动/兴风作浪,farmers can provide for their families 养活家庭,labor-intensive 劳动密集型的,I grab a takeaway coffee 打包的咖啡,

32.A slow tempo can create a relaxed atmosphere 慢拍子创造放松环境,  I started blubbing 哭,I am a sucker for sth. 无法抗拒sth./sth.狂,classy上等的/优越感的,a lyrical melody 抒情曲,

33.people poach these elephants 偷猎大象,spell death for them 对B意味着A(坏事), It is a real cause for concern 令人担忧的问题

34.a state-of-the-art phone is a big drain  on the battery. 最尖端的手机是电池的一大消耗, dinosaur is something out-dated. 恐龙指落后的东西/老古董,I am not holding my breath. 我期待并不大/不以为然,phone functionality 手机功能

35.those astronauts are stranded in space 困于太空,It was unknown territory 未知领域,they’d have been home and dry, 他们本可以安然无恙/顺利完成目标,It won't be plain sailing 不会一帆风顺,

36.bijoux 小而美的,I am all ears 我洗耳恭听,I bumped into a couple 偶遇情侣,communal area 公共区域,a plush/swanky foyer 奢华/时髦的门厅,alleyway 胡同小巷走廊,tinted glass windows 着色玻璃窗(外看不到内)

37.I should get on the beard bandwagon 赶上胡子…潮流,beards are all the rage 风靡一时,a talking point 热点话题,it gives  clean-shaven men a  competitive  advantage 这给了无胡子男人显著优势,He sported/wore a flamboyant beard 有着炫目的胡子

38.I don’t sulk about things 生闷气,well balanced 脾气好的/理智的,grounded 情绪稳定的,on the flipside 事情的反面/另一面,We show our fluffy  side 展示柔软的一面,empathetic 感同身受的,reading situations 解读情境,

39.cut off 隔绝的,these projects have huge time horizons 工程时间跨度很大,copyright-free books 免费版权的书,

40. mood swings 情绪波动,they are  the butt of jokes 被开玩笑的目标,parody 夸张化模仿,demonise 妖魔化,

41. heating bills 暖气费,hard-up 手头紧的,it’s an open door 自由开放的门,What also goes into the mix is that 还需要考虑的事是

42. revolting 令人厌恶的,antisocial habit  无公德心的习惯,we’ll chew on it  for a while 我们会好好考虑下,some people are approachable 易于接近的,you and her are two of a kind 你和她是一个类型的,a sticky subject/situation 棘手的问题,

43.transfusion 输血,clotting 凝血,end to end 收尾相连

44.The games aren’t really up my alley 不合我的口味,you don’t strike me as a  violent person 你并不给我一个暴力的印象,I wouldn’t hurt a fly 都不会伤害苍蝇(性格温和友好),never mind children 更不用说孩子了,I’m torn 我很纠结,for hours on end 连续几小时,

45. cut-off point 分界点,anorexic n.a. 厌食症的/人,the buck lies/stops  with sb. 某人有责任,

46.a primate 灵长类动物,on a serious note 言归正传,I had a close shave 侥幸逃生,face-off 争吵打架的对峙,gibbons make an evocative sound 令人回味的声音,

47.I don’t really take any notice 我并不在意,Chin up 振奋乐观点/引体向上,stick out = projection 突出,plausible 可信的,to chinwag 闲聊,

48. exercise my right 行使权力,somebody’s legal claim to vote 投票权 ,forcing young people to vote will engender – or give rise to – a slapdash attitude  ,out of a hat 随意地,national service兵役,conscription征兵

49. getting it over and  done with 草草了事,Now it’s the other way round现在是另一番景象了,They really came into  their own 显示出了本色(显示出作用了),elevator pitch 电梯游说, Technology  becomes slimmer and cheaper 科技变得细致和廉价,Muzak 酒吧饭店的背景音乐,blocks of flats 公寓楼,there’s more  to lifts than meets the eye 电梯功能远不止此

50. passed over 被忽视,stronghold 要塞大本营,clever clogs 聪明绝顶的人,

51. It makes my flesh creep 让我恐惧和恶心,an old wives’ tale 无稽之谈,materials which can withstand wear and tear 耐磨损和撕扯的材料,

52. popping down to 去某地,stuck-up means a bit superior 高冷的高端优越的,heavyweight composers 重量级作曲家,

53. I just throw on the first thing I see 随便穿一件,scruffy 破旧的不整齐的, a suit would look out of place 西装不合适, People tend to dress down 穿着随便,make snap judgements 快速判断,I can’t recall anything off the top of my head 我一时想不起来,  dress sense 穿衣品味,samey 相同的,ceremonial occasions 正式仪式场合,

54. strip away the Earth’s atmosphere 移除大气层,magnetic field 磁场

55. Startling 令人吃惊的

56. a light easy read 易读读物, it really comes down to the individual 取决于个人,highbrow 高深的不切实际的,light/heavy read 轻松/高雅读物

57. how susceptible it is 易受影响的,manual dexterity 手巧,cognitive labor 认知性劳动,it can do huge volume of work 它可以做大量工作,division of labor 劳动分工,keep our fingers crossed that从句 祈求好运,

58. it goes sideways 与侧边垂直横着走,

59. what really struck me is 真正打动我的是,

60. hoarder 囤积者,additive 添加剂,initiative 倡议/新方案,

61. the purpose of laughter is related to the way we bond with each other 笑声与我们与他人联系的方式有关,narcissistic 自恋的,outwork everybody 做得比别人好,

62. Sth. is well covered by the media 得到媒体广泛报道,unjust treatment of people 不公正对待,

63.hard cash 现金,a cheapskate小气鬼守财奴,

64. trickster 骗子,operate on your own terms 我行我素,

65.through rose-tinted spectacles 过于乐观有色眼镜,balancing act平衡之举,Can you cook now?Just about快了,

66. we have a gut reaction 本能反应,

67.miser守财奴,A woman after your own heart 和你想法一致的女人,Under the banner of kindness 在慈善的名义下,a small fortune 一笔巨款,

68. overindulge in 放纵地享用,smartly dressed men 穿着得体的,get in shape 身体匀称的,

69. question that catches the guest off guard 令人猝不及防的问题,juicy details 有趣有料的细节信息,you got pretty hot under the collar 你怒气冲冲 的,you elicit thoughtful answers你可以引出深思熟虑的答案,draw back from being the centre of attention 远离退却于注意力中心,probing questions 探究性深入型问题,

70. I usually sleep like a log我睡得很深沉,sleep soundly 沉睡酣睡,

71.cause a big allergic reaction 引起过敏反应,born into a very sterile environment 出生在无菌环境,it’s nuts 太疯狂了,free-from foods 无*食物,

72. foldaway bike 折叠自行车,Lycra is a stretchy fabric used in tight-fitting sports clothes. 莱卡是运动紧身衣,I’m intrigued about this 我对此很感兴趣,somebody just snatch your phone 有人抢你手机,Cars are packed in like sardines 车子非常拥挤像沙丁鱼,

73. brew 冲泡,consumed 饮用,sanative有益健康的,medicinal 有药效的,the elite 社会名流,evocative 令人回味的,mouthful 一口,mindfulness正念,

74. tap-and-go card 感应式卡,behind the curve 落后,go on a spending spree 疯狂购物,sci-fi n.a.科幻

75. for good causes 为慈善事业,a robber baron 强盗贵族,unethical 不道德,the average Joe 普通人,broaden out the notion of philanthropy 传播慈善理念,a tidy sum 巨大金额

76.gene editing基因编辑,Is there a catch 有无潜在隐患,designer babies人工培育良种婴儿,open the door to a meaningful life使获得有意义人生成为可能

77. arid干燥的,tantalizing撩人的

78. awayday 公司团建放松日,guru 专家,the more cerebral will enjoy crime investigations 头脑聪颖的会喜欢犯罪调查活动,a boot camp身体训练营,following their lead 紧跟他们,it transcends all of those cultural boundaries 它超越了文化边界,that’s a perfect fit 这是个完美的契合,To gel with someone 与某人能打成一片,shake a leg 赶快/迅速行动

79. it’s a different genre of film 这是不同类型的电影,be right up your street 正对你口味,the inception 开端,gobble something up狼吐虎咽,tone sth. down 使缓和,

80. have green fingers 擅长园艺,It gives us a natural high 让我们自然而然开心,therapeutic 治疗作用的,in all weathers 无论天气如何

81. wind sb. up 激怒某人,snub 冷落

82.my brain is up to the challenge 大脑应付得了挑战,you’ve put my mind at rest 你让我放心了

83.most people tend to fold 大多数人倾向于放弃/妥协,an opinion on Twitter starts to “trend”, it can take on a momentum of its own,一个观点在推特流行会呈现出一种势头,groupthink 趋同思维,

84. don't be coy about your age 不要对年龄含糊其辞,ageism 年龄歧视,

85. these traditions are alive and kicking 这些传统还活蹦乱跳着活着,a fetching lady 迷人的女士,chivalry 骑士精神(绅士风度),

86. teetotal 滴酒不沾的,a hangover 酒后宿醉,I don't believe hair of the dog 我不相信醉酒后再喝酒可以戒酒,don't knock it until you've tried it. 没尝试前不要妄下结论。

87. I did some spring-cleaning 我做了大扫除,they are getting out of hand 他们变得失控了,declutter sth. 清理,they adopted a minimalist lifestyle 他们采纳极简主义生活方式,designer goods 名牌商品,labeled goods/products (标记的)名牌商品,it has sentimental value 有情感价值,

88. off the beaten track 独辟蹊径,unsubstantiated ideas 未证实的观点,you are gullible 易轻信他人的,

89. watching the Earth from afar 远处看地球,get on someone’s nerves 惹恼某人,nosedive 俯冲/暴跌,claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症,buoyancy 浮力,

90. he knows a thing or two about 他略知一二,I just kind of blowing with which ever way my relationship winds kind of incline me 随波逐流,harsh and direct with sb. 严酷直接地对待,get morally indignant about it 对...愤怒,catch sb. out 发现某人错误,be incongruous with 不一致, pernicious 潜移默化地有害的,

91. bring experience to the table 带来了经验,business acumen 商业头脑,

92. retrieve information 检索获取信息,elaborate on sth. 详细阐述某事,

93. impersonations 模仿,a tic 无意识小动作,pursue financial gain 追求金钱收益,a shallow conscience很低的道德感,cheesy 低品质的,gags 笑话,

94. knuckle down to your tasks 努力工作,Temptation bundling 诱惑捆绑,planning fallacy 规划谬误,

95. reach a tipping point 达到临界点,processed food 加工食品,urbanisation 城市化,on the rise 正在增加

96. urban sprawl 城市扩张,off the grid

不通水电气的,shanty towns 棚户区,ubiquitous internet 普遍存在的互联网,

97. time really dragged 时间好慢,our brains can work in overdrive我们大脑可以超速运转,petrified 懵惊呆恐惧,in parallel

98. Up to a point 在一定程度上,visual aesthetic 视觉美感,

99. baffling 令人困惑的,on the way out 过时的,win out 胜出,authoritarian 独裁主义,shying away from 躲避,

100. my creative juices have dried up 创造力枯竭了,and so forth 等等,invoked –called upon召唤,muse 灵感来源人,writer’s block 文思枯竭,dopamine 多巴胺

101. expend energy 消耗能量,burn off calories 燃烧脂肪,see at a glance 看一眼

102. I have a high threshold for dirt 我对脏东西耐受度很高,to get by 勉强过得去,give and take nv.妥协,aversion

厌恶,gendered 依照性别而分类的,earning capacity 赚钱能力,

103. frowned upon 不支持,profanity


104. retro 复古风的,Nostalgia 怀旧感,Resurgence 复现再生,

105. mitigate 减轻,pledge to do 承诺做,cost-efficient 合算的,homegrown 国产的,

106. chemotherapy 化疗,pave the way for sth. 为...铺平了道路,

107. a stickler for sth. 在某方面坚持/顽固的人,withemoticons we can signpost the feelings we intend 键盘表情可以表明感受,stuffy 闷热的/正经古板的,sloppy 马虎草率的,

108. ethnically mixed;an ethnic mix 混血,a melting pot 大熔炉(不同种族国家人群居之地),be formative in sth. 在某方面很重要,wear my heart on my sleeve 公开地清楚表达自己,

109. down in the dumps 情绪低落,intriguing 有趣的迷人的,back up 支持,single-occupancy 单人住的,

110. bolt out of the blue 晴天霹雳出乎意料,  correlate 与..相关,

111. get taken in 被欺骗,deceased 故去的,

112. psyche 灵魂心灵,a handle名字,

make a huge blooper online and become a laughing stock 在网上出丑成为笑柄,craft my words 精心琢磨用词,

113. pneumatic 气胎,voluminous 大量的长的,petticoat 衬裙,rational 合理的,pantaloon 马裤,cinched 收紧的,emancipation 解放,shore up 支持,gene pool 基因库,fad or faddish 流行或流行的

114. ubiquitous 普遍存在的,tatty 破旧的,apparel 服装,limited edition 限量的,sneakerhead 鞋迷,sartorial 服装的,usher in 开创了...,a craze 热潮,know my onions 我心知肚明,

115. aristocratic woman贵族妇女,charimatic leader 魅力超凡的领导,plight 困境,suffragettes 参政女性,lobby the government for/against 游说政府,electorate 全体选民,raise one's profile 提升形象,

116. make your flesh creep 令人毛骨悚然,reflexive awareness 反射性意识

117. The jury's out on that one. 还不能确定,wily 老谋深算的,charisma 感染力魅力,attributes 特点,spectacle 视觉景象,calculated 精心策划的

118. the body clock oscillates at its own endogenous period生物钟在内在周期内振动,modulate 调节调整,circadian rhythms 昼夜节律,synchronise 使同步,jet lag 时差

119. craze or a fad 一时大火,herd mentality 羊群效应,FOMO 错过恐惧症

120. intimidate – or overpower 威胁压倒,ambivert 中间性格者,reflective 沉思的,inner resources 内在才华精神财富,recharge their batteries 给自己充电,think through 想清楚

121. a petrol head 车迷,doing something flat out 尽全力做,self-contained 独立自主的,right off the bat立刻,be in the driving seat 拥有控制权,behind the wheel 开车掌舵主管,backseat driver 指手画脚的人

122. closer to home 接近生活,hard and fast 严格硬的,imbue sb./sth. with 灌输,bicker v.n.吵嘴

123. extremophiles 极端微生物,

hostile 敌对的,不友好的,

geysers 间歇泉,archaea 古生菌,

eukaryote 真核生物,hydrothermal vents 深海喷汽口,

124. genealogy宗谱系谱学,skeletons in the closet 见不得光的秘密,decipher破译,census人口普查,family lore家庭传说,descended from起源于

125. insular–inward looking 孤立的,hyper vigilance - extremely watchful 高度警觉,nosey neighbours 爱管闲事的邻居,quotient 商/系数,chitchat 闲聊,hustle  拼命工作/拉客,

126. distorted 扭曲的,at knifepoint 剪刀威胁下,disconcerting 令人不安的,

127. zeitgeist 时代思潮,a benchmark 基准,to put it bluntly 直白地说,nitty-gritty 重要细节,

128. shoot/dash/run off (to sp.) 迅速离开去...,fire away/ go ahead 允许他人的提问,de-escalated 缓解,

129. You look dead on your feet 死气沉沉疲惫的shattered,equitable,impartial 公平的,Back to back 连续的,

130. has humble origins 出身卑微,a crying shame 奇耻大辱,peckish 有点饿的,makeshift n.a.权宜临时的,utilitarian 实用的功利主义的,banter 打趣玩笑,broaden one's horizons 开阔眼界,

131. emojis and emoticons 表情符号,a glint of rage 一丝愤怒之光,clumsy 物理上笨拙的,typo 打字错误,

132. paw/claw 爪子,hooves 蹄子,screen 庇护/检查,~ out 屏蔽,unorthodox 非正统的,

133. not rocket science 不是复杂的事,You’ve got guts 你很有勇气,fermented food 发酵食品,

134. portfolio careers多工作组合型职业,a serial entrepreneur连续创业者,add another string to my bow 再多一个筹码,a corporate job 公司型工作,

135. To breathe a sigh of relief 松了一口气,with resignation 顺从接受地,feel resigned 听天由命,survival mechanism 生存机制,reflex 反射,

136. distraught 心烦意乱狂躁的,onlookers/bystanders 旁观者,you’re clutching at straws 希望渺茫死马当活马医,escaping something unscathed 毫发无损地逃离,

137. up and coming teacher 有前途的老师,accrue value to sb. from sth. 增长价值, in the pecking order (社会)等级,ultimate form of conspicuous consumption 炫耀消费的终极形式,sound fishy 可疑,

138. unhygienic 不卫生的,sell-by-date 保质期,A waste of space 没用/浪费空间,be a household name 家喻户晓,sth springs to mind 浮现眼前,

139. it is down to 取决于,get a bad press 获得负面报道,

140. in this day and age 在这个时代,Rearing livestock 饲养牲畜,

141. bleak subject 阴凉话题,what do you have up your sleeve 有什么锦囊妙计?alkali solution 碱性溶液,

142. secular 世俗的,grounded 机智清醒的,

143. gizmo 小发明,obselete 过时的,

144. go with my gut/guts 跟直觉走,

145. dwindling 变弱/减少小,therapeutic 有益健康的/治愈系的,go from strength to strength 不断壮大,scrape in 勉强进入/算得上,Generation  X 60-80年代的人,

146. hit the nail on the head 正中/正确,a getaway 放松好去处,allege 宣称,stumble across 偶然遇到/发现,a different kettle of fish. a horse of a different colour.不是一码事,hoax nv. 恶作剧/骗局,serene 平静晴朗,

147. a mismatch 不搭,judgemental 评判性的,self-conscious 难为情的/自卑的,

148. Stretch one's head 费脑筋/困惑,a magnet 磁贴/吸引处,

149. disturbed 精神错乱的,intervention 参与/介入,

150. ostracise 排斥排挤,

151. get carried away 得意忘形到失控,go all out to do 尽全力做

152. high-arousal emotions 高度唤起情绪,fire sb. up 煽动/激励某人,

153. guffaw 大笑,chuckle 轻声笑,diaphragm 隔膜

154. fall out with 与...争吵,faux pas 失态, gesticulate 做手势/比划,

155. in sync 同步,straitjacket 紧身衣/束缚,

156. try sth. on for size 试试是不是自己想要的,persona 人物角色(伪装外表),

157. hair-raising 毛骨悚然,

158. has limitations 有局限,

159. saunter 闲逛,build... into 将..融入,

160. scare sb. off of sth. 吓跑某人远离某物,sth. comes up trumps 出奇令人满意/胜出,

161. hot under the collar 气愤,is a blow to her ego 自尊的打击,

162. demonize 妖魔化/黑化,

163. make a pun 双关,

164. morpheme 语素,zillions of 无数的

165. hog 霸占,wifi squatter 蹭wifi人,

166. commune with 共情交融,fragmented 碎片化的,

167. sth. with a must-have lustra 有着必须要光泽的物品,

168. retail theraphy 购物疗法,buyer's remorse 买后后悔,down in the dumps 情绪低落,pang 一阵痛

169. the spirit of sth. ....的真谛,portray 扮演/描绘,

170. a pioneer technique 开创型技术

171. saturday job 青少年兼职,a rite of passage 人生仪式,bemoan 惋惜叹息抱怨,

176. soldier on 坚持住,

177. legal tender 法定货币,money for old rope 易赚的钱

178. far-fetched 牵强的/难以相信的,

179. a minefield 雷区(危险局面),get in a muddle 陷入困惑,

180. to check in with sb. about  和...谈谈..情况,

181. a sobering thought 发人深思,

182. wanderlust 到处逛癖,a hunch 直觉

183. inhibitions 拘谨/抑制

184. a din 喧嚣嘈杂声,drown out 淹没覆盖,

185. archaic 古代的过时的,

186.romantic idea 理想化的主意,

187. without malicious intent 无恶意,

188. tweak the way 微调..方式,

189. a trigger and a catalyst 起因/催化剂

190. hangry 饿怒,merge ... with/and/into 合并,

191. witty 诙谐的,hone 打磨磨炼,hyponotic repetition 催眠型重复,

192. cramp 受限/阻碍,

193. risk-averse 风险厌恶的,risk-tolerant 风险容忍的,risk-seeking 追求风险的,

194. brusque 唐突直率,

195. underdog 劣势一方,get behind 支持,

196. into sth. 喜欢

197. bereavement 丧亲,muddle through 艰难地应付得过去,muddle along 混日子,

198. live out your childhood dreams 实现童年梦想

199. drone on sth. 喋喋不休, have a tip-off about 有关于...的密告,is a game changer 改变活动规则,the sky is the limit to .. ..没有限制,

200. publicity stunt 炒作/宣传噱头,protean 变幻莫测的,

201. start off with 从...开始,phenomenal 非凡的,

202. a phubber 低头族,fomo 信息错过恐惧控,

203. turf sth. out 扔掉,fall faul of sth. 因做错事冒犯陷入麻烦,

Daily Easy English

1-10. Ha-ya-doin 你好啊,what's up this weekend 这周末干嘛?I am gonna kick back 休息放松,I slept in 我睡了个懒觉,What do you do for a living 你做什么工作呀?I am into sth. 我很喜欢,My knee/back/neck went out 膝盖后背酸痛动不了,I overslept 我睡过头了,stock up on candies 大采购糖果,I'm counting on you 我可指望你呢!

11-20. Did you get out v-ing?你去做..了吗?That's pure nonsense 胡说八道,to do away with sth. 戒掉/停止,I had a long week 煎熬的一周,TGIF thank god it is friday 星期五啦,do sth./dinner/it/yourself up for... 做好准备,do up sth./hair/coat 拉上拉链或扣子,because of 某事未发生的原因,thanks to 多亏了,in a jiffy 一会马上,

21-30 Do it over 再做一次,重做,Pick your poison 选一个吧(饮料食品),Those poor children 可怜的孩子,pathetic 可怜的/差的,What purpose does it serve? 这个东西干什么的呢?I can’t help it. 我控制不住,look away from me 别看我,You’re pushing it 有点过(火)了,are you done yet 搞定了吗?knock on wood! 上天保佑/好运继续!

31-40. Count me out/in 算上我/不要算上我,rain on your parade 泼冷水,I am broke 没钱/破产,sell A out to B 出卖了A,It will all/completely come down to 归结为取决于/最重要的是


1. cool your jets 冷静,  heating bills 暖气费,hard-up 手头紧的raised many eyebrows 招致惊讶、非议,smashed box office records打破票房记录,follow suit 照着做,has come to the fore 涌现出现,foot the bill 买单付账,with new leaders at the helm; sb. will take the helm 新领导接管负责,break a sweat 挥汗如雨

2. while the reverse is true for men 男性情况相反,Studying badly is a sure-fire route to failure. 不学习会造成失败,in this regard 在这一方面,become a time-honored precept 成为历史悠久的格言,They did some groundbreaking work 开创性工作,think outside the box 跳出思维定式,

3. at an impasse over election bills 选举法案上陷入僵局,up 9% year-on-year 同比增长9%,China is home to the top 30 tech giants 中国是30强科技巨头之家,The sudden spike 突然飙升,progress has stalled 进展停滞不前,It is comparable to some spikes 和一些峰值相当,

4. Prolonging the period 延长时间,Facebook is taking the lead on building Libra FB引领着Libra的建立,a defining moment in American history 美国历史决定性时刻,The letter of intent is subject to final agreement 意向服从于取决于最终协议,a lackluster performance 无聊平淡的的表演,

5. It is just around the corner 即将来临,at short notice 临时通知,garbage sorting knowhow 垃圾分类技巧,Apple is anxious to reduce costs 渴望降低成本,receive retirement benefits 获得退休金,

6. what we learned can transfer very  broadly to others skills 转移到技能,enhance our cognitive capacities, executive functions, motivation to learn, and self-efficacy 提升认知能力执行功能动力和自我效能,crack down on sth. 打击镇压,comes into force 生效,

7. kicked off casting for Ironman 开始选角色,Turing's contributions were far ranging and path breaking 贡献深远且开创性,outstripped 超过,eye-watering 惨不忍睹的(数据高),pull a stunt 耍花招,pay tribute to 向…致敬,

8.an important advance in efforts to  develop a cure 在…方面取得进展,brick-and-mortar training institutions 线下实体培训机构,personnel flow leads to rapid  growth of urban population in the mega-cities 人员流动导致特大城市人口急剧上升。

9. the iconic star will break new ground by acting 标志性的明星通过表演开创新局面,the runner-up 亚军,stirring discussions among Chinese netizens 激发了热议,

10. freedom of speech 言论自由,high-end foods 高端食物,time-tested 经时间考验的market liberalization and capital allocation 市场自由化和资本配置,ease off 减缓,

11. promote inclusivity 促进包容性,announce a master plan 宣布一个总体计划,caregiver of children 专门照顾孩子,in commemoration of 纪念,give them an edge 给他们一个优势,

12. keep tabs on监视,became a top trending search 成为热搜, have the edge 有优势,lift regulations/restrictions on 撤销监管限制,in a pinch 在重要关头,be at play in...在...起作用,the average Joe 普通人,

13. binge-watching 一口气看完,resolutely safeguard 坚决地保护,reduce attention spans 降低注意力,in their line of sight,within eye shot 在视野内,

14. rejuvenate 复兴 rejuvenation ,Brexit maelstrom has spun wildly 脱欧漩涡不断旋转,get-ahead tasks前期准备工作,champion territorial sovereignty捍卫领土主权,

15. shell outmoney 付巨款, sallow skin 灰黄肤色气色不好,wean sb. off/from 戒除/停止,zero-sum game 零和游戏,

16. seek hegemony 寻求霸权, lithe轻盈柔软的, taken shape 形成成形,a major gauge 重要指标,high-profile 高调的备受瞩目的,

17. applies double standards 应用双重标准,looks set to 看起来会,cancel out 抵消,shore up支撑,pursuing diversity and inclusivity 多样性和包容性,

18.  no substitute for 无法代替,drum up竭力争取,unparalleled 无可比拟的,signallingone’svalue传达自己价值,drum up 招徕,鼓动,streamline 精简化,

19. in the wake of  在...之后而来,be charged with赋予职责,within thestipulatedtime 在规定时间内,isbrimmingwith 充满,a dearth of 缺乏,in line with 符合/一致,

20. followed close behind 紧跟其后,by the hundreds大批量/成百的,cap off sth. 结束.,a thaw 解冻缓和,long-awaited 期待已久的,phase out 逐步淘汰,

21. tableware and cotton swabs  餐具和棉签,ramp up (sth.) 增加,preferential policies 优惠政策,knock-on 连锁/附带/间接 effect

22. turning the tide 扭转局势,pool strength into tackling the issue 集中力量,grassroots level 基层的,round- the- clock全天候的

23. shore up 支持,give precedence to doing/n. 优先..,dissuade ... from 劝阻,rise to the challenge/occasion 迎接挑战/应付自如,across the board 全都/面地,scapegoat 使..成替罪羊,

24. bleed cash 损失钱财,for the forseeable future 可遇见的未来,seek a diplamatic off-ramp 寻求外交出口匝道,press home our advantage 充分发挥优势,stonewall 回避拖延,

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