okhttp中 最后的拦截在这个责任链中,发送一个请求到服务器。先看下拦截
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
HttpCodec httpCodec = ((RealInterceptorChain) chain).httpStream();
StreamAllocation streamAllocation = ((RealInterceptorChain) chain).streamAllocation();
Request request = chain.request();
long sentRequestMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
Response.Builder responseBuilder = null;
// public static boolean requiresRequestBody(String method) {
// return method.equals("POST")
// || method.equals("PUT")
// || method.equals("PATCH")
// || method.equals("PROPPATCH") // WebDAV
// || method.equals("REPORT"); // CalDAV/CardDAV (defined in WebDAV Versioning)
// }
// public static boolean permitsRequestBody(String method) {
// return requiresRequestBody(method)
// || method.equals("OPTIONS")
// || method.equals("DELETE") // Permitted as spec is ambiguous.
// || method.equals("PROPFIND") // (WebDAV) without body: request <allprop/>
// || method.equals("MKCOL") // (WebDAV) may contain a body, but behaviour is unspecified
// || method.equals("LOCK"); // (WebDAV) body: create lock, without body: refresh lock
// }
// 需要请求requestbody的请求方法,get请求没有requestbody
if (HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(request.method()) && request.body() != null) {
// If there's a "Expect: 100-continue" header on the request, wait for a "HTTP/1.1 100
// Continue" response before transmitting the request body. If we don't get that, return what
// we did get (such as a 4xx response) without ever transmitting the request body.
//"100-continue" https://www.cnblogs.com/jikexianfeng/p/6100649.html
if ("100-continue".equalsIgnoreCase(request.header("Expect"))) {
responseBuilder = httpCodec.readResponseHeaders(true);
// Write the request body, unless an "Expect: 100-continue" expectation failed.
//在requet中写入 bufferedRequestBody
if (responseBuilder == null) {
Sink requestBodyOut = httpCodec.createRequestBody(request, request.body().contentLength());
BufferedSink bufferedRequestBody = Okio.buffer(requestBodyOut);
//根据服务器的返回构建一个 responsebuild对象
if (responseBuilder == null) {
responseBuilder = httpCodec.readResponseHeaders(false);
Response response = responseBuilder
int code = response.code();
if (forWebSocket && code == 101) {
// Connection is upgrading, but we need to ensure interceptors see a non-null response body.
response = response.newBuilder()
} else {
response = response.newBuilder()
//close 表示操作完成后需要关闭当前连接 参考https://imququ.com/post/the-proxy-connection-header-in-http-request.html
if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.request().header("Connection"))
|| "close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.header("Connection"))) {
//204 请求收到,但返回信息为空 205 服务器完成了请求,用户代理必须复位当前已经浏览过的文件
if ((code == 204 || code == 205) && response.body().contentLength() > 0) {
throw new ProtocolException(
"HTTP " + code + " had non-zero Content-Length: " + response.body().contentLength());
return response;
- 首先是将请求request写入到解析器中
- 刷新请求
- 构建返回response对象
看下具体的过程,首先是得道责任链中传递的httpcodec,StreamAllocation,request,然后向sink流中写入header ,发送到服务器。其中这个sink就是连接的socket的写入流,在RealConnect中生成。
@Override public void writeRequestHeaders(Request request) throws IOException {
String requestLine = RequestLine.get(
request, streamAllocation.connection().route().proxy().type());
writeRequest(request.headers(), requestLine);
/** Returns bytes of a request header for sending on an HTTP transport.
* 根据request发送http请求返回字节
* */
public void writeRequest(Headers headers, String requestLine) throws IOException {
if (state != STATE_IDLE) throw new IllegalStateException("state: " + state);
for (int i = 0, size = headers.size(); i < size; i++) {
.writeUtf8(": ")