崭新的一年已经开始了,你许下新年愿望(new year's resolution)了吗?你是否已经制定好计划并开始实施了呢?
1. lose weight 减肥
2. travel more 更多旅行
3. quit smoking 戒烟
4. get out of your comfort zone and explore more 跳出舒适区,大胆探索
5. say “no” sometimes 偶尔试着说“不”
6. own your look and style 拥有自己的衣着打扮风格
7. print photos and put them into an album 把照片打印出来,制作成相册
8. get your six pack 练出六块腹肌
9. stop being bigot 不做盲信者
10. be healthier 更加健康
11. stop eating junk food 不再吃垃圾食品
12. stand up for yourself 坚持你的立场/信念
13. get famous 走红
14. stop judging people by their appearance 不再以貌取人
15. quit drinking 戒酒
16. meditate for 5 minutes every day 每天冥想五分钟
17. walk slower, live in the moment 慢行,活在当下
18. get a boyfriend or a girlfriend 告别单身
19. get more sleep 充足睡眠
20. write down one thing that you’re thankful for every day 每天写下一件值得你感激的事儿
21. start investing 开始投资
22. quit drinking soda 不再喝碳酸饮料
23. catch up with an old friend 与老友相聚
24. eat fruit every day 每天吃水果
25. stop procrastinating 戒掉拖延症
26. learn a language 学习一门外语
27. stop eating sweets 不再吃甜食
28. stop playing Candy Crush Sega 不玩“糖果粉碎传奇”了
29. give back to your community 回报社会
30. plan your budget 做资金预算
31. be more adventurous, take your chances 大胆些,抓住机会放手一搏
32. don’t buy the latest iPhone 别买最新款的苹果手机
33. complete a 90-day-challenge 完成一项90天挑战
34. learn to paint 学习绘画
35. start your own radio channel 开设你的个人广播频道
36. worry less 少杞人忧天
37. arrange family nights or getaways 多安排家庭聚会和出游
38. keep yourself updated on the latest world news 追踪时事,保持与世界链接
39. go to the dentist semiannually 每半年去看一次牙医
40. exercise more 加强锻炼
41. get a better job 找一份更好的工作
42. backup your computer regularly 经常备份你的电脑
43. meet someone new everyday 每天认识新朋友
44. sort out your Wechat friend list 整理微信好友通讯录
45. be more cultured 做个文化人儿
46. drink more water 多喝水
47. go on a second honeymoon 和伴侣来个二次蜜月
48. watch more movies 多看电影
49. complain less 少抱怨
50. spend less time on Wechat 少花点时间在微信上
51. stop worrying what others think about you 停止担忧别人对你的看法
52. join a gym 加入一个健身房
53. get out of debt 还清债务
54. play your favorite sport 做你最喜欢的运动
55. watch less TV 少看电视
56. go on more dates 多出去约会
57. stop being lazy 别再犯懒啦
58. go for a walk 出去散散步
59. go to more concerts 多听听音乐会
60. redecorate one of the rooms in your house 重新装潢一个房间
61. learn something new 学点新东西
62. smile to at least one person everyday 每天至少对着一个人微笑
63. reduce, reuse, recycle 减少浪费,重复使用,回收利用
64. be more organized 更有组织性
65. cook meals for yourself 给自己下厨
66. try something new everyweek 每周尝试点新鲜事物
67. get a makeover 改变造型
68. drive less, walk more 少开车,多走路
69. live in the moment 活在当下
70. learn to cook 学习烹饪
71. stop overthinking 不要思虑过度
72. teach your kids to be grateful and lead by example 教子女学会感恩,自己以身作则
73. clean your house 打扫房间,做做家务
74. stop being irritable 戒骄戒躁
75. get insurance 买份保险
76. keep a diary 坚持写日记
77. develop a new hobby 发展个新爱好
78. wake up early and have a leisure breakfast 早点起床,悠闲地吃早餐
79. stop calling your ex 别再去找前任了
80. go a week without your phone 尝试一周不用手机
81. encourage your children more often 多鼓励鼓励你的孩子
82. believe in yourself 相信自己
83. adopt a pet 领养个宠物
84. donate clothes to those in need 把衣物捐给需要的人
85. take vitamins 吃些维他命
86. do not text and drive 开车时不发信息
87. stop being so negative 不再悲观消极
88. go to church 去教堂做礼拜
89. stop biting your nails 不再啃指甲了
90. start a blog 开设个人博客
91. create precious memories with loved ones 和所爱的人创造一些珍贵的回忆
92. dream bigger 追求更大的梦想
93. volunteering 参加志愿活动
94. talk to your parents more 和父母多聊聊天
95. spend less time online 少花时间在网络上
96. start a business 开始创业
97. read more 多读书
98. go vegetarian 吃素食
99. get off prescription drugs 摆脱药物
100. become an expert in a certain aspect 在某一领域成为专家