n.the quality of using few words when speaking or writing 简洁;简炼
the fact of lasting a short time 短暂
v.~ sth (against sth) to press sth so that it becomes soft, damaged or flat, or changes shape 压软(或挤软、压坏、压扁等);把…压(或挤)变形
[+ 副词或介词短语] to push sb/sth or yourself into a space that is too small (使)挤进;塞入
[动词 + 名词短语] to stop sth from continuing; to destroy sth because it is a problem for you 打断;制止;去除;粉碎
南瓜小果(主要种类为笋瓜winter squash和西葫芦summer squash)
v(especially British English) to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are 超过;赶上
[动词 + 名词短语] to become greater in number, amount or importance than sth else (在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过
[动词 + 名词短语][常用被动态] if sth unpleasant overtakes a person, it unexpectedly starts to happen and to affect them (不愉快的事情)突然发生,突然降临
v.[单独使用的动词] ~ (to sb) (from sth) to increase over a period of time (逐渐)增长,增加
[动词 + 名词短语] to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time (使钱款、债务)积累
adj.sad, quiet and unhappy 忧郁的;死气沉沉的;闷闷不乐的
n.(technical 术语) a substance that makes part of your body sore 刺激物
something that makes you annoyed or causes trouble 令人烦恼的事物;造成麻烦的事物
n.~ (toward(s) sb/sth) | ~ (between A and B) a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hatred 仇恨;愤怒;敌意;憎恶
v.[动词 + 名词短语] ~ sth (against/upon/on sb) (formal) to commit a crime or do sth wrong or evil 犯(罪);做(错事);干(坏事)
n.[不可数名词] the state of not being true or genuine 虚假;不真实;错误
n.[不可数名词](formal) the opinion that people have of sb/sth 名誉;名声
n.a mark on the skin or on an object that spoils it and makes it look less beautiful or perfect 斑点;疤痕;瑕疵
v.[动词 + 名词短语][常用被动态](formal) to spoil sth that is beautiful or perfect in all other ways 破坏…的完美;玷污
n.~ (on sth) an extra amount of money that you must pay in addition to the usual price 额外费用;附加费;增收费 make sb pay a surcharge 向(某人)收取额外费用
v.[动词 + 名词短语] ~ sth on/over sth | ~ sth with sth to spread an oily or soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way (用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹
[动词 + 名词短语] to make sth dirty or greasy 弄脏;弄上油污
[动词 + 名词短语] to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true 诽谤;诋毁
to rub writing, a drawing, etc. so that it is no longer clear; to become not clear in this way 把(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清;变得模糊不清 oily or dirty mark 污迹;污渍;污点
a story that is not true about sb that is intended to damage their reputation, especially in politics (尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化
smear test涂片试验(从妇女子宫颈取少许组织,以检查是否有癌细胞)
adj.a long distance away 远的;远方的;遥远的
a ~ look/expression an expression on your face that shows that your thoughts are far away from your present surroundings 心不在焉的;恍惚的;出神的
v.~ (with sth) to throw a set of three or more objects such as balls into the air and catch and throw them again quickly, one at a time 玩杂耍(连续向空中抛接多个物体)
~ sth (with sth) to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that you can fit all of them into your life 尽力同时应付(两个或两个以上的重要工作或活动)
[动词 + 名词短语] to organize information, figures, the money you spend, etc. in the most useful or effective way 有效地组织,有效利用(信息、数字、开支等)
adj.[名词前不常用] ~ (to sb/sth) not important in a particular situation 不重要;无关紧要
(formal) not having a physical form 无形体的;非物质的
v.[动词 + 名词短语](formal) to make sth more interesting or more fun 使更有生气(或活力)
adj.badly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it is used 劣质的;不结实的
(of material 材料) thin and easily torn 薄而易损坏的
difficult to believe 不足信的
adj.very great or impressive 了不起的;非凡的
n.[常用复数](formal) a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country 起义者;叛乱者;造反者
v.[动词 + 名词短语] to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true 篡改,伪造(文字记录、信息)
v.~ sb (into sth/into doing sth) to make sb take action by shocking them or by making them excited 使震惊;使振奋;激励;刺激
(technical 术语) to cover metal with zinc in order to protect it from rust 电镀;给(金属)镀锌
v.[动词 + 名词短语][常用被动态] ~ sb (for sth) (formal) to pay sb for work that they have done 酬劳;付酬给
adj.~ (at/in sth) | ~ (at/in doing sth) good at doing sth that is quite difficult 内行的;熟练的;擅长的
adj.(of a disease or medical condition 疾病或不良的体格状况) existing since or before birth 先天的;天生的
[只用于名词前] existing as part of a person's character and not likely to change 生性的;生就的
v.[单独使用的动词] ~ (on/upon sth) to think deeply, usually in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm 冥想;沉思
[动词 + 名词短语](formal) to plan sth in your mind; to consider doing sth 暗自策划;考虑;谋划
adj.connected with ships, sailors and sailing 航海的;海员的;船舶的
v.~ sb (into doing sth) to trick sb into doing sth, especially by being nice to them 哄骗(某人做某事);诱骗
to attract or interest sb 吸引(某人);使感兴趣
adj.(of a building, room, etc. 建筑物、房间等) warm in an unpleasant way and without enough fresh air 闷热的;闷人的;通风不畅的
(informal,disapproving) very serious, formal, boring or old-fashioned 一本正经的;古板的;无聊的;保守的
adj.(disapproving) that cannot be changed or made more suitable for a particular situation 缺乏弹性的;僵化的
(disapproving) (of people or organizations 人或机构) unwilling to change their opinions, decisions, etc., or the way they do things 固守己见的;死板的;顽固的
(of a material 材料) difficult or impossible to bend 不能弯曲的;硬的
adj.acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results 鲁莽的;冲动的;轻率的
n.a sudden strong and violent wind, often during rain or snow storms 飑(常指暴风雨或暴风雪中突起的狂风)
v.[单独使用的动词] (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) (disapproving) to cry very loudly and noisily 大声啼哭;号哭
v.[动词 + 名词短语] ~ sb (for sth) (formal) to pay back money to sb which they have spent or lost 偿还;补偿
precipitate make sth, especially sth bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should 使…突然降临;加速(坏事的发生)
~ sb/sth into sth to suddenly force sb/sth into a particular state or condition 使突然陷入(某种状态)
adj.(formal) (of an action or a decision 行动或决定) happening very quickly or suddenly and usually without enough care and thought 鲁莽的;草率的;仓促的
n.(chemistry 化) a solid substance that has been separated from a liquid in a chemical process 沉淀物;析出物
v.if cloth frays or sth frays it, the threads in it start to come apart (使织物边沿)磨损,磨散
if sb's nerves or temper frays or sth frays them, the person starts to get irritated or annoyed (使)烦躁,恼火
to start to come apart or to fail 开始卷边;脱线脚;分崩离析;失败
Support for the leader was fraying at the edges.
n.the fray [单数] a fight, a competition or an argument, especially one that is exciting or seen as a test of your ability 打斗,竞争,争辩(尤指激烈或视为检验能力的)
v.(British English also -ise)[动词 + 名词短语][常用被动态] to make sb lose confidence or hope 使泄气;使意志消沉;使士气低落
v.(of the police 警方) to catch sb and arrest them 逮捕;拘押
(old-fashioned) to understand or recognize sth 理解;认识到;领会
n.[不可数名词](formal) great skill at doing sth 非凡的技能;高超的技艺;造诣
adj.unkind and unfair in the way that you judge people 刻薄的;苛刻的;冷酷的
vindicate prove that sth is true or that you were right to do sth, especially when other people had a different opinion 证实;证明有理
to prove that sb is not guilty when they have been accused of doing sth wrong or illegal 澄清(责难或嫌疑);证明(某人)无罪(责)
n.[不可数名词, 可数名词] strong pressure that makes sb do sth that they do not want to do 强迫;强制
[可数名词] a strong desire to do sth, especially sth that is wrong, silly or dangerous (尤指做不道德、愚蠢或危险事的)强烈欲望,冲动
adj.~ of sth completely lacking in sth 完全没有;缺乏
v.~ sth (of sb) | ~ sb (from sth) to remove people from an organization, often violently, because their opinions or activities are unacceptable to the people in power 清除,清洗(组织中的异己分子)
~ yourself/sb/sth (of sth) | ~ sth (from sth) (formal) to make yourself/sb/sth pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of bad thoughts or feelings 净化(心灵、风气等);涤荡(污秽)
n.the act of removing people, often violently, from an organization because their views are unacceptable to the people who have power (对异己的)清洗,清除,排除
n.(formal) the act of saving or state of being saved from the power of evil; the act of redeeming 拯救;救赎
(finance 财) the act of exchanging shares for money (= of redeeming them) 赎回(股票等)
beyond/past redemption:
too bad to be saved or improved 无法挽救;不可救药
n.兽医 find out about a person's past life and career in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular job 审查(某人过去的生活和职业)
to check the contents, quality, etc. of sth carefully 仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等)
v.(especially British English) to make sth start or happen, usually sth official 使(正式)开始;使发生
to cause sth bad to happen 煽动;唆使;鼓动
adj.[常用于名词前](literary) causing feelings of shame 令人羞愧的;可耻的;不光彩的
n.[不可数名词] rough noisy play in which people push or hit each other for fun 打闹嬉戏;玩闹
v.[单独使用的动词] ~ (at sth) (informal) to be slow to do or accept sth because you are surprised or shocked by it (因吃惊而)不知所措,犹豫不决
sth. boggles the mind:
( also the mind boggles) (informal) if sth boggles the mind or the mind boggles at it, it is so unusual that people find it hard to imagine or accept 使人无法想象;使人难以接受
adj.(formal) showing a desire to punish sb who has harmed you 心存报复的;图谋复仇的
adj.boring and always the same 乏味的;单调的
n.[可数名词, 不可数名词] ~ (of sth) an event, action or thing that is a sign that sth exists or is happening; the act of appearing as a sign that sth exists or is happening 显示;表明;表示
[可数名词] an appearance of a ghost or spirit (幽灵的)显现,显灵
pacify make sb who is angry or upset become calm and quiet 使平静;平息;抚慰
to bring peace to an area where there is fighting or a war 平息战争;使实现和平
v.if you exude a particular feeling or quality, or it exudes from you, people can easily see that you have it 流露,显露(感觉或品质);(感觉或品质)显现
if sth exudes a liquid or smell, or a liquid or smell exudes from somewhere, the liquid, etc. comes out slowly 流出,渗出(液体);散发出(气味);(从某处)渗出,散发出来
adj./adv.exactly as spoken or written 一字不差的(地);逐字的(地)
waver be or become weak or unsteady 减弱;动摇;颤抖
~ (between A and B) | ~ (on/over sth) to hesitate and be unable to make a decision or choice 踌躇;犹豫不决;举棋不定
(especially of light 尤指光) to move in an unsteady way 摇曳;闪烁;忽明忽暗
n.a sudden very heavy fall of rain 暴雨;大雨;洪水
a large number of things that happen or arrive at the same time 涌现的事物;蜂拥而至的事物
v.~ sb/sth (with sth) [常用被动态] to send or give sb/sth a large number of things at the same time 使涌来;使充满
[常用被动态](formal) to flood a place with water 泛滥;淹没
v.~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to admit that sth is true, logical, etc. 承认(某事属实、合乎逻辑等)
~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to give sth away, especially unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth (尤指勉强地)让与,让步;允许
~ (defeat) to admit that you have lost a game, an election, etc. 承认(比赛、选举等失败)
cuddle hold sb/sth close in your arms to show love or affection 拥抱;搂抱
n.[常用单数形式] the action of holding sb close in your arms to show love or affection 拥抱;搂抱
adj.(of cloth, clothing, etc. 织物、衣服等) old and thin because it has been used a lot 穿旧的;磨薄的;破旧的
(of an argument, excuse, etc. 论点、借口等) that does not have much effect, especially because it has been used too much 老一套的;陈腐的
adj.[常用于名词前] (usually of speech 通常指讲话) showing strong feelings about sth 充满激情的;热烈的
hale and hearty:
(especially of an old person 尤指老年人) strong and healthy 健壮的;硬朗的
v.[动词 + 名词短语](literary) to defeat sb completely in a competition, war, etc. 完全征服;彻底击败;战胜
adj.showing clear thought and good understanding of what is important, and the ability to express this 锐利的;透彻的
showing sb's ability to take decisions and act with force 果断的;当机立断的
adj.(usually disapproving) strange or extremely unusual 古怪的;极不寻常的;奇特的
v.~ (for…) (from…) to leave a place, especially to start a trip 离开;离去;起程;出发
(North Amercian English) to leave your job 离职
depart this life:
to die. People say 'depart this life' to avoid saying 'die' . 离开人世,去世,亡故(委婉说法,与die同义)
fabricate invent false information in order to trick people 编造;捏造
(technical 术语) to make or produce goods, equipment, etc. from various different materials 制造;装配;组装
n.a stupid or careless mistake 愚蠢(或粗心)的错误
v.[单独使用的动词] to make a stupid or careless mistake 犯愚蠢的(或粗心的)错误
adj.~ (in sth/doing sth) | ~ (about sth/in doing sth) paying careful attention to every detail 细心的;小心翼翼的 小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的;注意细节的
v.[动词 + 名词短语](formal) to say bad things about sb/sth publicly (公开地)诽谤,毁谤,中伤
adj.[常用于名词前](formal) causing harm 有害的;引起伤害的
n.the act of saving things that have been, or are likely to be, damaged or lost, especially in a disaster or an accident (对财物等的)抢救
the things that are saved from a disaster or an accident 抢救出的财物
v.~ sth (from sth) to save a badly damaged ship, etc. from being lost completely; to save parts or property from a damaged ship or from a fire, etc. 打捞,营救(失事船舶等);抢救(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物)
to manage to rescue sth from a difficult situation; to stop a bad situation from being a complete failure 挽救;挽回
rattle make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against sth hard; to make sth do this (使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音
[动词 + 副词或介词短语] (of a vehicle 车辆) to make a series of short loud sounds as it moves somewhere (运行时)发出连续短促的高声
[动词 + 名词短语] to make sb nervous or frightened 使紧张;使恐惧
rattle sb.'s cage:
(informal) to annoy sb 骚扰;使恼怒
[动词 + 名词短语] to cut down a tree, or cut some large branches off it 砍伐;剪(枝)
adj.~ (with sth) showing great happiness, love or health 喜气洋洋的;容光焕发的;面色红润的
giving a warm bright light 灿烂的;光芒四射的
[只用于名词前](technical 术语) sent out in rays from a central point 辐射的;放射的
nab catch or arrest sb who is doing sth wrong 捉住;当场逮捕
to take or get sth 获得;拿取