1. self-service lockers, door-to-door delivery, two collecting points off, mail box, frequent online shopper, unwrap, courier, paranoid, different preferences, overtime pickup, less and less human interactions, online shopper psychic, VR
2. Taobao is more like a third party supervision platform.
3. I'm very skeptical when it comes to issues where I have to deal with machines.
4. As time goes by, now people even have work from home job, so you're just dealing with your computer. To me, it's as much as a good thing, this also has a lot disadvantages that come with it. And it's a little bit scary as well because what we're turning ourselves into how far can we go with this kind of services.
5. Loneness can be felt everywhere.
6. It's not very surprising as we're going through technological revolution.
7. Maybe the virtual world is new reality. By 2050, human-robot relationship and marriage will be legalized. It will become the new normal.
8. When it comes to emotion, when it comes to love, it's about catering to your need.
9. More experience, more patience.