Chapter 6
We can all begin freely—a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. ––Jane Austen
––简 奥斯汀
It was generally evident that Mr. Bingley did admire Jane, and Elizabeth know Jane also admire him. But Jane considered that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general. Elizabeth disagree it and mentioned it to his friend Charlotte.
Occupied in observing Mrs. Bennet’s attentions to her sister, Elizabeth did not know that she was herself becoming an object of interest in the eyes of Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Darcy began to wish to know more of Elizabeth.
Coincidently, Sir William introduced Elizabeth to Darcy as a dancing partner, and Darcy willing was to receive it, but Elizabeth did not. Then they have an argument.
Word study:
1. composure n. 沉着,冷静(个人记忆:永远com(能)po出sure的人,一定挺沉着冷静的)
2. inpertinent adj.不恰当的,不相干的(pertain v.适合,相关 in否定前缀,ent形容词后缀)
3. conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒
4. consolation n.安慰,慰问(solation是溶胶化的意思,solace才是安慰的意思哦)
5. gratitude n.感谢,致谢(grateful是感谢的,attitude是态度,一半加一半感谢的态度gra+titude就是 感谢啦)
6. perceive v.察觉,认知
7. felicity n.幸福,幸运
8. symmetry n.匀称,对称性
9. defy v.藐视,挑衅(def 是极好的,能延期的,首屈一指的)
10. savage n.未开化,粗鲁的人(因为是未开化的人,所以同时有 adj.凶猛的, v.乱咬等意思)
11. matrimony n.结婚,婚姻生活(marry+trim+mony 结婚后整理适应着过了很久,mony是许多的的意思,trim是修剪的意思)
12. concerto n.协奏曲,大型管弦乐套曲(concert是音乐会,音乐会上的协奏曲既竞争又协作,很圆满,所以是concerto)
13. pedantic adj.卖弄学问的,迂腐的(pedant 是学究,书呆子,ic是形容词后缀)
14. archly adv. 狡猾地,淘气地(arch是拱,而拱是弧形的,所以衍生形容词意思:狡猾的,淘气的)
15. bestow v.使用,授予(个人记忆:stow 是将...装好 be表被,被...装好,就是要使用,或者授予给别人了吧)
16. intrepidity n.无畏,大胆 (insipidity n.枯燥无味,无精神)
希望能一直坚持到chapter 61,加油!❤