#The ordinary 倒闭?#
近日,有消息爆料称在社交媒体上走红的护肤品牌The ordinary将倒闭,宣布官网将停止运营,随即此事登上了微博热搜话题榜,网友炸开了锅。
据百度百科介绍,The Ordinary是加拿大化妆品公司Deciem旗下的一个护肤平价品牌,优点是性价比较高。
而事情的起因,除了据说公司公司邮件泄露外,主要是其创始人Brandon Truaxe在官方Instagram账号发布了一条极不正式的视频,宣布将关闭所有Deciem店面,大概两个月,直到另行通知。
视频中的Brandon Truaxe情绪不太稳定,声称几乎所有在Deciem的人都参与了一项重大犯罪活动(major criminal activity),包括金融犯罪。并痛斥过去的13年里被人说成是毒贩子和色情表演者,称这一切该结束了。
"Hi everyone, I'm Brandon Truaxe, founder of Deciem. This is the final post of Deceim, which we will shut down all operations until further notice, which will be about two months.
"Almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in a major criminal activity which includes financial crimes and much other. You have no idea what a solider I've been for more than thirteen years.
"I've been made fun of, as a porn actor, and as a f**king drug dealer and everything, for thirteen years and it's all ending now."
Leaked company email reveals that all Deciem stores are closing with immediate effect
On Monday night, Brandon Truaxe, founder of skincare brand Deciem, took to Instagram to reveal that he is closing down his company until further notice, due to alleged "major criminal activity".
Following the news, an alleged Deciem employee email was shared exclusively with Cosmopolitan UK.
cosmopolitan /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/ 作形容词可以表示“〔指地方〕世界性的,国际性的,全球性的〔含褒义〕”,英文解释为“a cosmopolitan place has people from many different parts of the world – use this to show approval”,也可以指“〔人〕见多识广的;〔信仰、意见等〕显示丰富阅历的”,举个🌰:
a vibrant, cosmopolitan city 一个充满活力的国际性都市
The family is rich, and extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan.
The email, which was allegedly sent from Brandon, to all Deciem employees on 8 October, instructs for all UK stores (with the exception of the Spitalfields branch) to close with immediate effect, and reopen in 2019. The message also began with a warning that anyone who "disrespects the guidance", "will be terminated tomorrow".
with immediate effect 立即生效
"Please close all UK stores except the one near Spit-a-Field Mark iT [sic] as of immediately and until February 2019"
As well as instructing store closures, Brandon also asked for the Deciem homepage to be replaced with an HTML page, which has already happened. However, you can still access the Deciem website, though the link to The Ordinary.
通常说:factory/hospital/school closure,表示“〔工厂、学校、医院等的〕关闭,倒闭,歇业”,英文解释为:when a factory, school, hospital etc has to close permanently,此外也可以指“〔道路、桥梁等的〕暂时封闭”和“〔事件或一段时间的〕了结,了断;解脱感”,举个🌰:
Overnight storms left many streets underwater and forced the closure of road tunnels in the city.
We have tried to call all of Deciem's UK stores to confirm the news, however there was no answer. For the time being, you can still purchase Deciem products through Feel Unique and Cult Beauty.
In the Instagram video - posted to Deciem's main account - Brandon begged viewers to "please take me seriously", as he explained he was closing down his company until further notice.
更“离奇”的是,Brandon Truaxe在Instagram上发布的视频,配上了冗长又奇怪的文案:
“一场革命即将来临(A revolution is coming)”
“嘲笑过我的人,你们就等着接受法律制裁吧(Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution)”
“再见了,和平即将到来(Peace is coming)”
并提及众多人名和公司品牌,包括Donald Trump、H&M、Estee Lauder等……
The video was accompanied by a lengthy, non-sensical, incoherent caption, which threatened several high profile members of the beauty community, and Hollywood celebrities including Brad Pitt and Steven Spielberg.
表示“语无伦次的”,英文解释为“speaking in a way that cannot be understood, because you are drunk, feeling a strong emotion etc”或者“条理不清的,紊乱的”,英文解释为“not expressed or organized clearly, and therefore difficult to understand”,举个🌰:
an incoherent over-long action movie
此处表示在社交媒体上发布视频的配文,“(图片或卡通的) 说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”
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