*“It is necessary to put yourself out for rejection, and accept that you will be rejected.” Robert Genn
Rejection and embarrassment in real life aren’t as bad as you imagine. The worst that happens? You just don’t get what you want and maybe the rejection is stiff. After you experience the rejection, you’ll forget about it eventually, probably pretty quickly.
There’s this saying:
“When you’re 20, you care what everyone thinks, when you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you’re 60, you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place.”
By the time you’re in old age — near your death bed — you’ll come to realize how little of a fuck you should’ve given throughout your life. We care too much about our short-term feelings over our long-term satisfaction.
I try to remind myself that my perception, no matter how much I feel like a slave to it, is under my control. I could look at things differently, particularly situations where I face a little rejection. And I try. I’m not perfect. Neither are you.
All of this is in your head. If you live long enough, you’ll come to find you didn’t care all that much, but then you won’t have the energy to go out and do the things you should’ve done. So let it go now.